
“If the Jews, after the destruction of Jerusalem, had simply disappeared from the face of the earth, as many other people groups have done, we wouldn’t be faced with this problem. Nobody thinks much today about the Sumerians or Hittites. But the fact that Jews are still here means that we must incorporate them into Paul’s illustration somehow.”

American Milk and Honey, p. 125

Sons of the Concubine

“Although the ethnic Jews are descended from Abraham physically, covenantally speaking, they are Ishmaelites. Summed up, they are in a covenant of bondage. However disciplined and hardworking they are, they do not know the taste of grace. They are driven, but not liberated. They are not children of the free woman, but rather through unbelief they have made themselves children of the slave concubine.”

American Milk and Honey, p. 122

Dragnet Fishing

“Grant great revival in the churches, of course,
But for far more than this, I pray for the West.
May fresh living water from Ezekiel’s temple
Gather and grow and widen and deepen
To inundate nations and all of their peoples.
I pray that the fish would be abundant and plentiful
And that You would make us all fishers of men.”

21 Prayers, p. 37

God’s Plan for the Jews

“In contrast, the soft supersessionist agrees [with the hard supersessionist] that the church is Israel now, and that ethnic Israel is currently not a part of the true Israel. And when it comes to the salvation of individual Jews currently, we also agree that an unbelieving Jew is in the same position as an unbelieving Irishman, or Chinese, or Navajo. But the soft supersessionist holds that the Jews as a people are still part of God’s purpose and plan for the world. The gifts and calling of God are irrevocable. When the Jews are converted en masse, this will usher in the latter day glory, and the resurrection of the dead. In short, the status of the Jews with regard to faith and unbelief is relevant for the rest of the world.”

American Milk and Honey, pp. 120-121