Time and Gump Happen to Them All

“Forrest Gump (1994) and its predecessor Being There (1979) are both popular movies that communicate the idea of a chance world in which events occur without purpose. The use of mentally challenged men in both films is a metaphor for chance itself. They have no ‘intelligent design’ to their lives and yet both of them …

Subversiveness Is Bad?

“When a kid watches the animated movie Shrek, he probably doesn’t know about Carl Jung’s theories of psychological types and the collective unconscious, but he is ingesting them nonetheless through those characters and that story adapted after the Jungian model . . . The screenwriters admit Shrek’s Jungian ideas: ‘The book is very clever, because …

There Are Slugs On the Bottom of the Salad Too

“Two of the most frustrating replies to hear when asking people what they thought of a movie are ‘I liked it’ or ‘I didn’t like it,’ accompanied by an inability to explain why . . . We have already established that stories do not exist in a vacuum of meaninglessness. Movies communicate prevailing myths and …