Trent Lott’s Gaffe

Dear visionaries, The price of true diversity is eternal vigilance. After all our striving for inclusivity in this forum, I am astounded that we still have folks making judgmental comments on the ethical choices of others. If Cardinal Law, after deep reflection in his own conscience, decides that chickenhawk priests are the way to go, …

Caesar and War

Dear visionaries, I too hope for a smooth ride in Iraq. But there is a difference between Congress declaring war and Congress abdicating its assigned responsibilities. Congress could issue a statement that the federal budget could originate this year in the Supreme Court. Doesn’t make it right. The Constitution doesn’t say that Congress declares war …

Deconstructing the Constitution

Dear visionaries, Here is the problem. The oath taken by those who serve in the military involves defending the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, whether foreign or domestic. We are certainly going to war in Iraq, and we are doing so in order to accomplish “regime change.” This is a traditional war, …

Tolerance and Common Ground

Morning visionaries! Steven identified my subtle and nuanced discourse as a “nice rambling response” and pointed out that I did not answer his question directly, which is true enough. So here is my direct answer. People who would not choose one another for fishing buddies can nonetheless tolerate one another and live in blissful co-existence. …

Toleration of Others Breathing

Dear visionaries, Yahoo! At long last, thanks to Susan, we now have a definition of tolerance. Those who are willing to tolerate the continued existence of those they find to be obnoxious are the tolerant progressive folks. Of course, by that definition I (and all my fellow rapscallion Trinitarians) are as tolerant and progressive as …

Running and Hiding

Dear visionaries, I actually think we might be getting somewhere in our discussion. But let’s not hold our collective breath. Does this progressive meeting of the Moscow Civic Association (to which non-progressives need not come) have any agenda items with regard to the government school system? In other words, is it thought the government school …

The Liberal Tree Fort

Dear visionaries, Carl chides my two friends for pointing out the inconsistency of an inclusivist group excluding people. But his chiding misses the point. We certainly do not object to liberals, progressives, socialists, or whoever, all deciding to build their own tree fort, and establishing the rules for admittance. As was pointed out by Carl, this …

Naturally Inquisitive

Dear visionaries, Anthony writes that “restorative justice is a value driven approach.” This is correct, because everything is a value-driven approach. And we return to the question that folks in this pluralistic little town of ours do not want to face squarely. Whose values? Why? Societies cannot function unless certain values are imposed and others …