Erotic Retardation III

Dear visionaries, Joanne writes: “My observations suggest that it’s very poor countries–often fundamentalist regimes of various kinds–that have poor facilities for personal hygiene and women who are hidden from public view.” To which I reply, all regimes are fundamentalist. The only thing that distinguishes them is the nature of their fundament. Prudent legislation has spared …

Erotic Retardation II

Dear visionaries, Everybody take a few deep breaths. If that doesn’t help, put your head between your knees for a few minutes. Just a couple thoughts. On the subject of female toplessness, Thomas moaned, “We Americans look like bumpkin country jakes to most of the civilized world . . .” But there is a difference …

How About a Law Against Erotic Retardation?

Dear visionaries, Susan objects to a law that requires women to keep a top on but does not require the same thing of men. “A law intended from the outset to be selectively enforced” will clearly in the minds of some lead to tyrannical despotism. Since one of the things we have learned in this …

Part of the Problem

President Bush was recently in Turkey, and while there he commended that nation for having secular laws and simultaneously being a people of faith. This kind of compartmentalization that we are exporting around the world (entrenched as a way of life here) is precisely the attitude that is crippling the American church. The fact that …

Secular Fundamentalists

Dear visionaries, Before I left town, someone here hoped that the travel experience would broaden my horizons, and make me realize what beautiful and aesthetically satisfying civilization we have going here as a result of the whole Enlightenment project, which, in the minds of some, still does not exist. But I went to various places …

Feminism and the Trinity

One of the central idolatrous ideologies of our day is feminism. Although it is just one of the hydra heads (the monster being egalitarianism), it is nevertheless one of the most important hydra heads. This is because God created us male and female, and our sexual identity is right at the center of the image …

The Politics of Sodomy: The Real Sin of Sodom

INTRODUCTION What could possibly be meant, “The Real Sin of Sodom?” Isn’t is obvious? The sin of homosexual behavior draws its name from Sodom. What could be more obvious? And should we be suspicious of any attempt to draw our attention elsewhere? As always, the answer to such questions is, “It depends.” THE TEXT Behold, …