Letter to the Editor: Hi Pastor Doug! I apologize if you’ve already made this joke before, but if not, it would make me extremely happy if you signed off on an article where you discuss ...
Mere Christendom
Introduction: I have been arguing off and on for a few years now on behalf of a cause I call mere Christendom, meaning that Christians need to recover an understanding of the need for a distinctively ...
When Bacteria Bleat
Introduction: One of our great problems in the church today is that we have forgotten some of the basics when it comes to giving an answer for the hope that is in us (1 Pet. 3:15). Unbelievers, created as they are in the image of God, have a deep desire to be rational and human, …
A Gallimaufry of Random Observations
Inspired by the spirit of our times, I have decided to throw together a gallimaufry of random observations. A salmagundi of insights, as it were, or an Eton mess of ironic inversions, a mĂ©lange of right wing virtue signaling, a potpourri of punditry. And see how you like it. This is the sort of moment …
Letters in Springtime
Letter to the Editor: No particular recent post but that seems to happen a lot recently. First off, I am increasingly finding you to be a wackadoodle nut job with significant blind spots ...
That Little Lizard Self Inside
Introduction: I want you to work with me on a thought experiment, and it is a thought experiment with two constituent parts. Weighed rightly, this leads naturally to a consideration of real gospel, permeated throughout with real grace. The first thing is that with this imaginary humanity that I am about to construct—in the second …
7 Principles for Navigating a Purple Cultural Meltdown
Introduction: It does no good to say that you are not a prepper. Everybody's a prepper. This is one of Rushdoony's inescapable concepts, not whether but which. It is not whether you are prepping for ...
Letters From the Brink
Kind of a brutal talent show, if you ask me. Letter to the Editor: Sir, can you please unpack the 1992 costume party blackface reference? Thank you. Trey A -- Doug ...
Yet Another Epistolary Event
Letter to the Editor: I think there is one thing that Mr. Renn missed; that very thing, I think, is foundational. I think that "men" (from back when that word had an objective, meaning sort ...
The Littlejohn Letters
Letter to the Editor: I sighed with relief and felt the burden lift as I read through your article, Littlejohn, MacArthur, and the Binding of Conscience. You touched on three things that ...