About the Chick on the Piano . . .

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We are starting to live in a time when the word prophetic should be reserved for anyone who sees and notes what is obviously going on.

My previous post on The Donald elicited various reactions. One kind of response, both in the comments here and on Facebook, complained about the fact that I had posted a tacky picture. And so let us talk about that for a few moments.

Let us divide the response into the apologetic part and the unapologetic part. But the first part is not too apologetic because here the picture is again. I did size it a little smaller.Trump Piano

But I do want to begin by commending those men who have made a covenant with their eyes. I respect and honor that, and appreciate the fact that they have drawn a line that excludes looking with desire at a picture like that one. I appreciate the effort and honor the intent. And the Internet is a tough enough place to function without going to what you thought was that safe space known as Mablog only to be confronted by a chick on the piano. So I get that part, and I empathize.

Now speaking of safe spaces — if I may address a different but related problem for a moment — we need to step back a few paces and see what is actually happening to our coarsened culture. While a full-tilt crusade is ongoing to create “safe spaces” on college campuses, complete with therapeutic coloring books, the very same powers that be are also engaged in turning every public women’s restroom or locker room into an unsafe space — and a welcoming zone for creepers. Gnat, meet camel.

But believers have a tendency to do the same thing, only in reverse. The problem with porn, soft porn, and quasi-porn is not to be found in what a man sees, but rather in what he does NOT see. In this case, what is not being seen is the context.

One commenter summarized it well:

“Western civilization is perched on the edge, we’re surrounded on all sides, doom is impending.”

Followed immediately by:

“Yes, I know, but could somebody please get the scantily clad woman off the back of the piano?”

When you look at that picture, what do you see? You see a man who probably does not play the piano, sitting at a piano. You see his wife, aspiring to the honored position of First Lady of the United States, draped on the piano and with not very much draped on her. She has one of those black easy-off dresses that billionaires like. In the background you see an enchanting version of Versailles as envisioned by Lively Oak Mobile Home Manufacturing, Inc. You see a man whose taste, absolutely all of it, is located in his mouth.

What do you not see? Well, apparently a lot of people do not see that this man is being supported by a third of evangelicals. I know, I know, these are evangelicals as defined by Gallup, and not by the Book of Life, but we are still dealing with evangelicalism as a current political reality. And in that context Trump has been endorsed by men like Jerry Falwell, Jr. and Robert Jeffress. So what we ought to see is that this picture is not some random picture from the Internet to stumble guys, but rather the kind of picture that a third of all politically active evangelicals would like to see on future White House Christmas cards.

So I am not trying to get guys to see too much of Mrs. Trump. I am trying to get everybody to see a little bit more of what they are helping to make happen. Tomorrow is Super Tuesday, and tens of thousands of evangelicals are going to turn out in order to cast their votes for the Kamikaze Klown.

Of course, this is not to say that good cannot come out of this. The kamikaze does look like it might hit the USS Republican Establishment amidships, so there’s that.

To borrow a great phrase from Russell Moore, we are talking about a man whose attitude toward women resembles that of a Bronze Age warlord. We haven’t seen anything like that since . . . oh, since the spouse of the current Democratic front-runner, whose attitude toward women resembles that of Suleiman the Magnificent.

But in the meantime, policing our own ranks is inescapable. If you can’t keep evangelicals from trying to put a randy billionaire into the White House, then at least let us tut tut at those evangelicals who point out that this is what we are in fact doing. Somebody will be upset that I referred to Melania as a “chick on the piano,” but will not have a problem with her being the chick on the piano.

So here comes the unapologetic part. I know that nuisance lust is a difficulty for many Christian men, like one of those little biting insects they have in the South. For that reason, I offer the following invitation with an accompanying chigger warning. But if anyone is not stumbled by the photograph in question, I would invite them to participate in a meme contest. Take the photo above and make a meme out of it. Post the results here and I will announce a winner next Monday. The winner will receive $50 credit at Canon Press. Entries would have the picture and then, meme-style, inscribed on top of it something like, “A woman’s place is in the home, not on the piano.”

Whatever you say about cultural engagement, we will not be able to do a decent job of it if we continue to make our headquarters this blanket fort of ours.

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Will G
Will G
9 years ago

Speaking of being perched on the edge – what about that immigration issue that propelled Trump to the top? I have not seen Pastor Wilson address that. Did I miss it? It took courage for him to take that on. God Bless Donald J. Trump.

Bike bubba
9 years ago
Reply to  Will G

Will, you can find a bunch about immigration if you (see right sidebar) “search from Dan to Beersheba.”

Will G
Will G
9 years ago
Reply to  Bike bubba

Thank you – I just did. I just read ‘Another Brick in the Wall’ about the real crisis being our education system. What hope is there to change that when we have amnesty for an additional 20+ million illegal aliens? They vote 8/2 for Democrats. If you are a politician who wishes to protect the American people what can matter more than the borders? Trump is the only one to do this. He could have continued his life with supermodels on pianos and reality shows. But he didn’t – he stood up to the plate. Ted Cruz is shifty and… Read more »

9 years ago
Reply to  Will G

He stood up the plate and said he cared? What has he DONE? What do you actually believe he will DO, and what reason do you have to think he will do that?

Will G
Will G
9 years ago
Reply to  Dunsworth

Stephen Miller joined his campaign. He worked for Jeff Sessions previously. He would not be hiring him if his intent was to backtrack later. He brings up immigration constantly. Granted, I will be more impressed if he keeps doing that after he gets the nomination – but still. He is setting himself up so that no wall = failure. There is no turning back on that. Why should he risk everything on this issue? What is there to gain for him? Someone who loves the country and wishes to save it would go after this issue. I wish a thrice… Read more »

9 years ago
Reply to  Will G

I didn’t say he “Intended” to backtrack. I just have no reason to believe he won’t. He might actually believe what he’s saying today, but personal interest could change it tomorrow.

9 years ago
Reply to  Will G

“Risk everything?” Like what? More debt to stiff his creditors with? The chance to be an even bigger vulgar celebrity?

9 years ago
Reply to  Dunsworth

What he’s done is to say the unspeakable without apology, which none of the other candidates were going to do.

What he’s done is to keep another Bush from the nomination.

9 years ago
Reply to  ashv

Neither of those is solving the immigration problem.

Saying the unspeakable without apology is only praiseworthy if it is true and edifying to say.

9 years ago
Reply to  Dunsworth

Sure. But if Trump goes back on his word or is prevented from doing what he’s said, the door has been opened for others to follow. And who knows, he might succeed.

9 years ago
Reply to  ashv

Why could those “others” not have stood up and stood for it on their own? Why did they need a certifiable biblical fool to pave the way?

If you have to depend on the guy that half the verses in Proverbs were written about to open the door for you, you weren’t really going to do anything anyway.

9 years ago
Reply to  Dunsworth

That’s a good summary of Ted Cruz, certainly.

9 years ago
Reply to  ashv

Does deflecting to Cruz, even if that’s a reasonable assessment, make it good to support Trump in the face of the biblical account of how fools should be treated?

9 years ago
Reply to  Dunsworth

I think that’s a valid criticism; my objection is to singling out Trump, rather than seeing that this applies to anyone who has a chance of becoming President.

9 years ago
Reply to  ashv

Trump is singled out because it argues a greater moral insanity when this guy is so obviously and blatantly — and unashamedly — all those things. It’s one thing to be fooled, another to choose to be fooled, and yet another to not be fooled and still support that kind of person and actually expect him to do good for the country. Some people may need to open their eyes; Trump supporters need above all to repent.

9 years ago
Reply to  Dunsworth

It’s no more ridiculous than voting for any other Presidential candidate in the last few decades. Trump has gained popularity because he appeals to people’s interests, whereas the rest appeal to principles that have been used to oppose those interests.

Trump has spoken the truth on at least one issue: “We need to build a wall” and millions of invaders need to be deported. It might be folly to trust him to do it, but it’s also folly ignore the problem.

9 years ago
Reply to  Will G

“Ted Cruz is shifty”??
Can you support that for me? I just haven’t been able to find any cogent support for that sentiment.

Will G
Will G
9 years ago
Reply to  Nord357

He cheated in Iowa. He swung to the right on immigration after Trump made it an issue. He lost his chance to be brave on this. It is too late. He is articulate and a great speaker but was weak on the most important issue when it counted. He doesn’t deserve to win.

9 years ago
Reply to  Will G

Cheated in Iowa? are you referring to a campaign staffers circulating a CNN report?

Will G
Will G
9 years ago
Reply to  Nord357


9 years ago
Reply to  Will G

O my!

9 years ago
Reply to  Will G

The most important issue(s)…. Ah, like being undeniably pro-life? Like standing against homosexual marriage? He didn’t cheat. That “Ben Carson” report was unleashed by cnn. Cruz apologized for the misinformation. Research. We CAN have a better candidate. We should NOT settle.

J. Frank Norris
J. Frank Norris
9 years ago
Reply to  Jamela

Like standing against homosexual marriage? Ted Cruz is lying through his teeth. He’s not going to do a thing about gay marriage if elected. Behind closed doors, he assures his liberal Jewish donors that gay marriage won’t be one of his top priorities as president. And, when he was Attorney General of Texas, he had a chance to take a huge role in fighting gay marriage. But he ducked out. He was AWOL. Cruz is making the gay marriage debate the cornerstone of a bid to rally conservatives to his 2016 presidential bid, but same-sex issues haven’t always been the… Read more »

J. Frank Norris
J. Frank Norris
9 years ago
Reply to  Nord357


There’s one born again every minute.

Bike bubba
9 years ago
Reply to  Will G

The hope is to reach immigrants with what made our country great–hint, it’s not taxing my children’s minimum wage jobs so that lawyers can buy Teslas. You’ve got to get the message out.

Will G
Will G
9 years ago
Reply to  Bike bubba

Flooding the country to the point where you lose the country will not further the gospel. It is not Christian charity to dump this problem on your fellow citizens in order to gain votes and cheap labor.

That being said, when you meet someone in your daily life the gospel should be preached to anyone – despite how they ended up in front of you.

Jon Swerens
9 years ago
Reply to  Will G

Yes, God bless Donald J. Trump … with repentance. Seriously.

J. Frank Norris
J. Frank Norris
9 years ago
Reply to  Will G

Yes, Pastor Wilson has been addressing that for decades. He says laws restricting immigration are unbiblical, and anyone and everyone in the world who wants to move here should be allowed to. And he usually tosses in a few words to the effect that anyone who doesn’t want a wide open border is racist. This is what passes for deep thought among Christians these days. (He also says Cruz or Rubio should show up at the next debate and announce they’re wearing a Trump suit. Yes, he really said that. Which is about like telling Cam Newton to show up… Read more »

9 years ago

Direct, sourced quotes for both claims about what Doug has said, or I’ll feel free to assume you’re playing the slander via paraphrase game again.

9 years ago
Reply to  Dunsworth

I’m not sure it even reaches the level of paraphrase; sounds like Norris is just making crap up.

9 years ago
Reply to  ArwenB


Bike bubba
9 years ago

it strikes me that if I could not cope with pictures like that, I couldn’t even go grocery shopping these days. But seriously, I really appreciated the “huh, wonder what her mother is up to” comment you put in the link. But really, a lot of this is telling a story that we might listen to. Mrs. Trump does not want us to look at her eyes, and I cannot blame her because they are the coldest eyes I have ever seen. What brought those eyes to that point? I would suggest that there are a lot of people out… Read more »

Tyrone Taylor
Tyrone Taylor
9 years ago

I was with Wilson until “The kamikaze does look like it might hit the USS Republican Establishment amidships, so there’s that.” Does anyone really think that The Donald, a man born, bred, and fed to monstrous proportions on centers of power, will undermine a center of power? Isn’t it more likely he will use said center of power to grow his orangish bulk?

9 years ago
Reply to  Tyrone Taylor

I don’t think that was the point. The point, as I see it is, the Republicans are supposed to oppose these “centers of power” and they haven’t done any better than you suppose Trump will. They are instead growing their own bulk. Trump gives us the opportunity to send a message that we are done with that at worst, and at best, an opportunity to get rid of some worthless RINO’s that like power as much as any Democrat. And if he doesn’t do that, well, we are no further behind at least. He’s pointing out a potential silver lining.… Read more »

9 years ago

On that nuisance lust article — I appreciated it at the time, and a different example came to my mind this time. The fact that my husband lets such things pass without comment, or at most a quick disdainful one, assures me that the issue doesn’t form a large part of his thinking. If someone reports to you every time he sees something that makes him envy someone else’s money or power or life, and goes into detail about what illegal, immoral, or unethical things he might be tempted to do to get some for himself, and berates himself for… Read more »

9 years ago
Reply to  Dunsworth

There is something really valuable behind the words,
“Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right,
whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything
is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.”

My attention is not captured by piano women, but there are others things that sometimes distract me. There’s some real value in remembering that we chose what we focus on, that we are in charge of capturing our thoughts and bringing them into obedience with Christ.

Steve in Toronto
Steve in Toronto
9 years ago

If someone thinks the Mablog is a safe zone they have not been paying very close attention.

9 years ago
W. Scott Lamb
W. Scott Lamb
9 years ago

“I left John Kasich’s kitchen to sit on this piano.”

9 years ago

I rather appreciate Doug Wilson’s handling of faith, his view on the world around us, and his wordsmithery. It’s reassuring to have someone bring some order to this chaos all around us. Someone reminded me that we serve the Lord of all common sense, something I do believe, but we don’t always get to see it reflected in the world so well.

9 years ago
Reply to  Nick

naa, not that one.

9 years ago

Y’all wouldn’ta voted for King David himself if he was on the ballot.

9 years ago
Reply to  ashv

If David was an unrepentant adulterous candidate, yes I would have a problem. David repented. Donald has not.

Bike bubba
9 years ago
Reply to  ashv

Well, since one typically doesn’t vote on a king…..

….seriously, you’d compare a war hero, poet, and great leader like David to a draft-dodging guy who ghost writes doggerel and gets his wealth via bullying? Even making the comparison is way too nice to Combover.

9 years ago
Reply to  Bike bubba

My point was not about Trump but about the comment section here. :)

"A" dad
"A" dad
9 years ago
Reply to  ashv

Wait, wasn’t King David a communist too?????

9 years ago
Reply to  ashv

Probably not, if the election had been held at one of his more notorious low points. Should we have? God draws with crooked sticks; He still wants us to use wisdom, not guile.

Christian Histo
Christian Histo
9 years ago
Reply to  ashv

King David was a man of God who repented of his sins with tears and fasting. Trump, by his own words, has never repented of anything.

I could see you singing the praises of Ahab and his lovely wife Jezebel though.

9 years ago

I think they call them “Bill” and “Hillary” now.

9 years ago

The sad truth is that some “weaker brothers” make it their life’s work to be a “weaker brother”.
Moreover, any man who is even mildly tempted by that should probably lock himself in a room and not come out until what is repulsive no longer appeals to him.

9 years ago
Reply to  Ilion

Well now wait a moment, there is also a great deal of shaming of men that goes on within our culture. There are misconceptions, as if to be tempted is somehow shameful all by itself. It is not, Christ Himself was tempted and yet still sinless. Men should be encouraged to remember that it is okay to be men and that men were made to be visual.

9 years ago
Reply to  ME

I’m not engaging in man-shaming. I said that any man who finds *that* to be a temptation is a man who is tempted by what is repulsive, as opposed to being tempted by what is good in its own right in the proper context. When, for instance, Satan tempted Christ by offering him all the kingdoms of the world if only Christ would bow down and worship him, the temptation wasn’t in worshiping Satan, but in receiving all the kingdoms of the world. And that was a temptation because in the proper context the rule of all the kingdoms of… Read more »

David Trounce
9 years ago

I wonder, does anyone think Trump would be a tyrannical despot? I realise he might be a goose, and for his own safety I hope he doesn’t win. But a tyrant?

9 years ago

If Trump gets in, please don’t let him redecorate the White House. Based on the above.

9 years ago
Reply to  jillybean

Ha! Good point. See, even us women can get our priorities right. Err…well..

9 years ago
9 years ago
9 years ago

Entry:comment image

The Canberean
9 years ago
Reply to  joshbishop

Now that was funny.

9 years ago

Meme contest entry:

9 years ago
Reply to  TyroneRugen

Meme contest entry #2:

9 years ago
Reply to  TyroneRugen

Meme contest entry #3:

Jess R. Monnette
Jess R. Monnette
9 years ago

Entry:comment image

9 years ago

Wow. Sorry not sorry for sharing a questionable sexual photo that might have caused you to stumble. – your pastor.

And THEN you invite people to mock this woman. You are no better than Trump.

Where is the respect and love for your men and for this woman?

9 years ago
Reply to  Abby

It would seem that Mrs. Trump has invited the mockery upon herself.

What should we do? Throw a blanket around her and quickly hurry her away, out of the town square? She will not have it.

Or maybe pretend that she’s not there? Then Evangelical Trumptards “win.”

So maybe mockery is the best option.

But I could be wrong.

Wesley Sims
Wesley Sims
9 years ago

Whether or not DW should’ve posted the picture, it would seem that it’s illegal and unloving to treat women as if they’re capable of making decisions for themselves and holding them responsible for any decisions they do make. Trump can be called a sleaze-ball, but if you dare point out that his wife made the decision to present herself in such a way then you’re a horrible misogynist. This is the sort of hollow, false “chivalry” that I think is rightly rejected and ridiculed by many here. That’s neither for nor against Trump. I’m just saying that either women are… Read more »

9 years ago
Reply to  Wesley Sims

I agree with you, I think there is a tendency to blame men as if they are somehow exploiting the innocent. However, I think we can still grieve over the fact that women are lead, taught to perceive themselves as having only sexual worth, while men are lead, deceived, into believing that possessing such women is the cure for what ails them.

9 years ago
Reply to  ME

ME, I would agree with you completely if I had ever encountered many women who think of themselves as having only sexual worth. It is really hard for me to believe that Mrs. Trump got where she is today from believing herself worthless except as a sex trophy. Is it just as likely that she shrewdly decided to capitalize on her assets?

9 years ago
Reply to  jillybean

Well, what does it mean for one to have “shrewdly decided to capitalize on her assets?” I am laughing here, but she is not cloaked in “strength and honor,” she is barely cloaked at all. So her assets are apparently physical and sexual. And she has indeed capitalized on them.

What happens to such women when their looks fade or they are traded in for a newer model? I imagine they console themselves with a hefty divorce settlement, but even in that it all seems to me as a very sad way to live your life.

9 years ago
Reply to  ME

I agree that it is sad. But becoming a trophy wife to someone like Trump is like taking a job as a Fortune 500 CEO. Sooner or later you are going to get the chop, and you know that going in. That is part of the reason you get huge compensation.
I must say that I have much greater sympathy for the many loving, faithful average wives who get traded in for newer models and are left with no compensation package whatsoever.

9 years ago
Reply to  jillybean

Yes, but you know what? Those average, loving faithful wives have something the starlets do not, they have treasures stored up in heaven, they have substance and value that does not fade with age or status. I cannot imagine what it must be like to be a trophy wife, but I suspect it is not a bed of roses.

9 years ago
Reply to  Wesley Sims

Very well said. And let’s have some sense of proportion. From reading the comments but not seeing the picture, anyone would think she was dressed (or undressed) like a Playboy centerfold. Nonetheless, no one marries Donald Trump without realizing that his attitude toward women is probably more vulgar than Hugh Hefner’s. Presumably Mrs. Trump either doesn’t object to those attitudes, or else she thinks the compensations are worth it.

9 years ago
Reply to  jillybean

She is certainly free to sit on all the pianos she wants. I just expect more than mockery from those who say they are Christians. This is shameful. Will mockery help her? Will mockery help the souls of the people mocking her? What’s the point?

I would like someone to show me how inviting people to mock someone who needs love and Jesus is the biblical thing to do.

9 years ago
Reply to  Abby

Please look above Abby and your question is answered!

Thank you for your piety and comments. Please pray tell us how often you wake up in the morning asking the one true God to lift his hand on judgement off his children in America by raising up Godly men in government at all levels. Tell us how you pray that abortion will be stopped and we will return to a Godly form of government.

9 years ago
Reply to  Abby

Mockery of a shameful thing highlights the shamefulness of it.

Pour encourager les autres, who might otherwise be tempted to follow a shameful (or, I suppose in this case, a shameless) example.

"A" dad
"A" dad
9 years ago
Reply to  Abby

Abby, please see Wilson’s link on nuisince lust. His point for men is that they don’t have to act like”horny conflicted 12 year old boys” on this type of thing. Hence it can be healthy to make sport or fun of it. He also asks that people think about how such a woman got to be in such a place. This does elicit some sympathy and concern, while at the same time, acknowledging her presumed role in getting herself in such a place. Applying some humor to the Trumps image, could be a blessing for all. Try it yourself!????

9 years ago
Reply to  "A" dad

“Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity. 6Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone,” Col. 4:5-6. (NIV)

"A" dad
"A" dad
9 years ago
Reply to  Abby

Abby, you are not mocking me. I am not mocking you. This is the right way for us to answer each other. However, not all conversations are the same. Jesus was still full of Grace, truth and Salt when He cleared the temple by whip and stampede!
It is possible for hard words to be salt and light!☀️

9 years ago
Reply to  "A" dad

What Wilson is calling for is more than “hard words” and I don’t understand how that is not seen. He is calling for people to make fun of these people. He is offering a reward. What benefit is there to this exercise? This is not salt and light. This is not making the most of an opportunity to show grace and wisdom. This is mocking people for fun – for laughs. And this is ok? Especially from a pastor who should be above reproach.

"A" dad
"A" dad
9 years ago
Reply to  Abby

Abby , backing up to your original question “…where is the respect and love…”, we value respect and love, though not everything merits respect and love. In fact, the Word tells us to “hate what is evil and cling to what is good”. That the Trumps put forth a public image like the one in question, is not worthy of any particular respect. This public image of theirs is silly, but also not good. From my own point of view, treating it with humor, rather than hate, is constructive, and my conscience is not telling me otherwise. It’s ok for… Read more »

9 years ago
Reply to  "A" dad

Making fun is seen as “humor” not hate? Please tell that to children being bullied in the future.

And the respect should be coming from Wilson for his station and his being the representative of Christ to the nations. The respect should be from “Christians” for themselves and for Christ as they are to be His light to the fallen world. Ditto for the love.

"A" dad
"A" dad
9 years ago
Reply to  Abby

Several thoughts, this public image of the Triumps is silly, a silly, humorous response is appropriate .

Trump is not a child, he can be a bully himself.

What do you think is respect worthy about this image the Trumps have put forth? What is your version on a godly objection?

9 years ago
Reply to  "A" dad

I said in my previous comment that the respect should be coming from the “Christians” and “Pastor” for their role as Christ’s representatives. Making fun and joining in with the rest of the world is not respecting their calling to be the light. This picture isn’t respectable that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t and can’t act respectable in our response to it. And I think one could possibly argue that Trump is a child. If you believe him not to be a Christian and to be lost then he is very much like a child. Also, we are adults. Shouldn’t we… Read more »

"A" dad
"A" dad
9 years ago
Reply to  Abby

No, we rise above it and offer humor instead of threats etc. Sometimes we answer a fool according to his folly, other times we do not. Sounds like you and I have a different idea of what those times would be.
Before our own Master do we stand or fall.????????

9 years ago
Reply to  "A" dad

Answering a fool according to his folly does not mean joining him in his folly.

"A" dad
"A" dad
9 years ago
Reply to  Abby

No, that’s why some of us like the humor part!
Strangely enough :
“Wit trumps malice!”

(Pun intended!????)

9 years ago
Reply to  "A" dad

I think Trump would consider himself using humor a good bit. Yet, you still call him a bully and join him in his game.

"A" dad
"A" dad
9 years ago
Reply to  Abby

Sorry Abby, I don’t have a piano and my wife is much too sensible to display herself like that, not that I would ever ask her to!????
I have not watched any of the debates, so I don’t know if Trump is funny.
It’s a bit of a red herring to say I am playing his game.
In all honesty Abby, I would love to see some humor from you! I look forward to it!????

9 years ago
Reply to  "A" dad

“Several thoughts, this public image of the Triumps is silly, a silly, humorous response is appropriate .

Trump is not a child, he can be a bully himself.”

That is to what I was referring when I said playing his game.

I have a great sense of humor. I just don’t find any of this funny.

"A" dad
"A" dad
9 years ago
Reply to  Abby

“a chicken in every pot and a car in every garage.” Herbert Hoover “A chick on every piano, and a piano in every mirage.” The Donald. Abby, I think my riff on the Hoover quote as applies to the Donald is funny and an ironic truth about his presentation. Did you find it at all funny? If not, please grace me with your great sense of humor! ; – ) Also, there is nothing mean about saying Trumps image is silly. It is. You were the one whoi introduced the bully idea into our conversation. More people than just me… Read more »

Christopher Casey
Christopher Casey
9 years ago
Reply to  "A" dad

The most amusing thing I’ve thought of is immagining Donald Trump with Donald Ducks voice.

9 years ago
Reply to  Abby

I agree with you that Trump is probably childlike. It is a common trait among the narcissistic and the megalomaniacal. Without suggesting they are morally equal, I could argue that North Korea’s Dear Leader is also a child. So on many levels was Adolph Hitler. His response to people who laughed at him was to kill them. It is precisely this quality of uncontrolled childish emotion and instinct–although to a lesser extent– that makes me believe Trump would be a dangerous president. I do not think that the dubious promise of a wall along the southern border is enough reason… Read more »

9 years ago
Reply to  jillybean

I’m not a trump fan at all. My issue is with Wilson calling on people to make fun of him and his wife. Can’t “Christians” and a “pastor” be better than that? Why get down in the mud?

It seems you are trying to justify this contest by telling me how horrible trump is and has been. Two wrongs don’t make a right. We shouldn’t get down to his level of running at the mouth.

9 years ago
Reply to  Abby

Abby, if you’d like to kick an actual Christian doing a great deal of harm in the world, I often blog about those lunkheads. You can click my gravatar to reach my blog. I think it would provide you some perspective on what getting down in the mud actually looks like.

9 years ago
Reply to  ME

Just because there are worse pastors out there doesn’t make this more ok.

9 years ago
Reply to  Abby

Abby, we really don’t seem to be getting anywhere. What do you think would be an acceptably phrased criticism for a pastor to make about Donald Trump? Couldn’t any criticism whatsoever be interpreted by somebody as bullying? Couldn’t any condemnation of his conduct or his principles be seen as harsh, or as an invitation to others to think less of him? From what I have seen, you haven’t addressed others’ observations that Jesus used strong and mocking language about some of the Pharisees. Was our Lord being unkind? Should He have said, “O dear souls, you are better than that.… Read more »

9 years ago
Reply to  jillybean

Everything you just said could be asked of those questioning Wilson. Wilson has said many objectionable things about women. Wilson has been disrespectful to many. Wilson is currently holding a contest for people to make fun of someone.

It seems you are blinded by your favorable opinion of Wilson and cannot see what you just described is simply what I have been saying of Wilson.

I just realized there are many many similarities beyond the narcissism between trump and Wilson.

9 years ago
Reply to  Abby

Wilson is not running for the presidency. His defects, whatever you or I believe them to be, are not about to pose a threat to the national interest. I do not have a uniformly favorable opinion of Doug Wilson, but I hope it is a fair one. The fact that I have disliked some of his comments about women or gays does not mean that everything he says about politics or Christian ethics must be wrong. You may question my objectivity, but I must reply that yours is pretty compromised. In my previous post, I asked you specific questions that… Read more »

9 years ago
Reply to  jillybean

Wilson is not running for president. You’re right! He is in a much higher position calling for much better behavior than someone running for president! He is a head of a church. He is a representative of Christ!

I expect more from someone putting himself in that role than someone running for president.

Wilson puts himself out there very publicly. He has this blog. He writes books. He starts schools.

Why is it ok to question a presidential candidate and not a pastor?

9 years ago
Reply to  Abby

You are pretty skilled at the concern trolling.

9 years ago
Reply to  Abby

Good morning, Abby–at least it is still morning in California. I think it is clear that you want to talk about Wilson, and I want to talk about Trump. At this point, my daughter, if she were reading this, would start singing Let It Go from Frozen at me, and I think she would probably be right. Blessings anyway.

Christopher Casey
Christopher Casey
9 years ago
Reply to  Abby

So when you said “My issue is with Wilson calling on people to make fun of him and his wife.” you mean that your issue is with Wilson regardless of what he does.

9 years ago
Reply to  Abby

How can you look at Trump and claim that he is not worthy of being made fun of?

9 years ago
Reply to  Abby

You are right. Today’s women do get upset when the Bible verses shown them don’t fit their false world views. The guys get upset also. Scripture cuts and scripture heals. If Christian women really believed the Bible, there wouldn’t be any abortion clinics in America.

I have never seen a narcissistic Wilson. But then, I live in Moscow and don’t have an axe to grind. I have seen people make things up just to get at Wilson.

Christopher Casey
Christopher Casey
9 years ago
Reply to  Abby

“Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity. 6Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone,” Col. 4:5-6. (NIV)

Like Jesus with the pharasees.

Rob Steele
Rob Steele
9 years ago
Reply to  Abby

I think we’re mocking Mr. Trump, not Mrs. Trump. But yeah, we’re no better.

Wesley Sims
Wesley Sims
9 years ago
Reply to  Abby

Well, you’re absolutely right about showing love and proclaiming the Gospel that Christ is King, but commenting under the picture of Mrs. Trump and how she willfully chose to clothe herself and then asking, “Where is the respect…for this woman?” strikes me as ironic. As far as inviting rape, I would guess that she is not inviting rape considering that the man she has made her head has ample means to protect her. [NOTE] I tried posting that to another of your comments that made mention of rape but it seems to have disappeared, just so readers know that I… Read more »

9 years ago
Reply to  Wesley Sims

I didn’t delete that post. Guess someone reported it.

Wesley Sims
Wesley Sims
9 years ago
Reply to  Abby

Yeah, it’s weird. Normally deleted posts would still show up but just show up as “Deleted by moderator” or “by user.”

I wasn’t implying you deleted it. I’d just chalk it up to disqus oddities.

9 years ago
Reply to  Abby

A man who might be led into sin by a small picture of Mrs. Trump’s breasts and legs has no business being on the internet in the first place. In fact, he probably shouldn’t go outside.

9 years ago
Reply to  jillybean

Where were all you people when Wilson was condemning a man for his nude art. Really, how different is this picture? But I guess Wilson justified his sharing that art as well.

The lesson I have learned from Wilson and his followers is that everything Wilson does is ok but if someone else does it it is not.

9 years ago
Reply to  Abby

Well, to begin with, I didn’t have an issue with the man’s nude art (although I really question the use of the term “art” in reference to it, but that is a different discussion). But, if I am understanding you correctly, you believe it is hypocritical for Wilson to object to posting videos of naked men on the Internet and then to post this photograph himself. You ask, how different is this picture. Without personally objecting to either the video or this photograph, I can still see quite a difference between them. Mrs. Trump might be dressed somewhat immodestly but… Read more »

9 years ago
Reply to  Abby

Abby, you need to read more carefully because you didn’t understand the lesson. You wanted to know where the Bible shows mocking of those needing Christ. Several posted good replies. You want to say there is a double standard. The photo of Trump is no different than an old time photo where family members dress up like gangsters or cowboys and cowgirls. Natalie’s husband running around naked is not art unless you believe that a crucifix in a toilet of urine is art. It is not. Stumbling around naked is not art but rather shows poor judgement. American Christians pushed… Read more »

Benjamin Polge
Benjamin Polge
9 years ago
Reply to  Abby

Ezk 23:11-21 #SexWorkerShaming

9 years ago

If the GOP nominates Trump, the US deserves WHICHEVER candidate wins. I’ll be voting independent / third party … or not at all.

David Trounce
9 years ago

Funny, but it never occured to me that this might be sexual. I just thought it was corny. It made me laugh with both my lips. I mean, what respectable person poses for, and publishes, a photo like that?

If this were Australia she would be draped over the bonnet of an EH Holden and then that WOULD be a stumbling block.

David Trounce
9 years ago

The more I read of Trump the more interested I become. He doesn’t buy the official Scalia story. He suspects Bush knew about 911 ahead of the event and he is funding his own campaign. I find it refreshing.

9 years ago
Reply to  David Trounce

His recital of “Bush lied, people died” was interesting, I’ll grant. Whether the lies originated with Bush himself or “just” the neocons he surrounded himself with, I agree with the statement.

But I suspect it was just a cynical attempt to scoop up some stray Paul supporters. And comes nowhere close to overcoming his “YUUUUUGE” negatives.

David Trounce
9 years ago

No doubt there are huge negatives but I have never suspected him of being tactical.

9 years ago
Reply to  David Trounce

I bet that even The Donald has his advisers.

9 years ago
9 years ago

Promises, promises!

9 years ago
Reply to  King Albert

Mexico pays was clever

"A" dad
"A" dad
9 years ago
Reply to  King Albert

Well King Albert, I did not read them all, but the “Doug Wilson asked for this.” one was pretty good!
Please tell me you go to his school!

King Albert
King Albert
9 years ago
Reply to  "A" dad

Negatory good buddy

"A" dad
"A" dad
9 years ago
Reply to  King Albert

Hope you get an “A” on your “homework” in any case!????

9 years ago

Please show me in the Bible where it says it is ok and a good thing to mock someone who needs Jesus. How does that help anyone? How is that pastoral?

Rob Steele
Rob Steele
9 years ago
Reply to  Abby

Camel-swallowing gnat strainer? Sound familiar?

9 years ago
Reply to  Abby

Abby, there is a wonderful story in 1 Kings 18 about mocking those who need Jesus. You may enjoy it; but maybe not because it doesn’t meet your mocking request.

9 years ago
Reply to  Abby

Bad Pastor, no wafer for you? I hardly think taking note of the truth of the Trump lifestyle is mocking them.

9 years ago
Reply to  ME

I think Trump called it a cracker, which is even worse. I cringe every time I hear it.

9 years ago
Reply to  jillybean

Oh dear, you are right. It was a cracker.

9 years ago
Reply to  ME

Wilson LITERALLY calls for people to make memes making fun of these people.

9 years ago
Reply to  Abby

Do you mean sort of like: ” I wish that those who are troubling you would castrate themselves!”

9 years ago
Reply to  Abby

Abby, we all need Jesus. Do you believe that it is always wrong to mock the foibles of anyone in public arena? Was it sinful every time I ridiculed the way Bush II pronounced “nuclear”? Is it wrong for me to joke about Trump’s hair? I am wondering why you did not object equally to Wilson’s comments about Donald Trump. Perhaps his need for Jesus is even greater.

9 years ago
Reply to  jillybean

The title of this post is about the “chick.” There isn’t enough time in my day to address everything wrong with what Wilson types. I don’t believe he should be calling people to mock trump either.

9 years ago
Reply to  Abby

Is it possible to mock a chosen lifestyle without mocking the worth of the individual? Can I say that it is time for Ann Coulter to start dressing like a grown up without disrespecting her as a child of God? Is ridicule–a time-honored feature of the political arena–a weapon forbidden to Christians? Trump may very well become the next president, and Mrs. Trump may be the first lady (a ridiculous title, in my opinion). Is the way they present themselves to the world not a valid issue for voter to take into account? Many Americans do believe that the undeniable… Read more »

9 years ago
Reply to  jillybean

“Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity. 6Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone,” Col. 4:5-6. (NIV) So an elder must be a man whose life is above reproach. He must be faithful to his wife. He must exercise self-control, live wisely, and have a good reputation. He must enjoy having guests in his home, and he must be able to teach. 1 Timothy 3:2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the… Read more »

9 years ago
Reply to  Abby

I have seen some fairly vicious memes about Doug Wilson. Do you condemn these?

9 years ago
Reply to  jillybean


9 years ago
Reply to  Abby

Abby, I doubt the Trumps are wounded birds who need to see the soft and gentle side of Christ. There are however people who do need exactly that, that truly have no power, that should never be mocked. Molly Ivins once said, “Satire is traditionally the weapon of the powerless against the powerful. I only aim at the powerful. When satire is aimed at the powerless, it is not only cruel — it’s vulgar.” Say what you will about that woman, but she did have some great quotes. When dealing with well off, politically connected, powerful, bullies, a bit of… Read more »

9 years ago
Reply to  ME

According to the Bible? It says in there to only be salt and light and show grace to those NOT well off?

Perhaps someone as you describe as those “that truly have no power, that should never be mocked.” are watching how Wilson responds to Trump? What are they to think of how they will be treated?

9 years ago
Reply to  Abby

Well Abby, as someone who truly has no power, I cannot seem to cough up much empathy for the Trumps. In fact, it is far more comforting to have someone speak the truth about that photo, then to gaslight me and pretend it doesn’t portray exactly what it seems to portray.

I am sorry however, for whatever has led to your concern, whatever has made you feel defensive about political mockery and humor.

9 years ago
Reply to  ME

Speaking truth and calling for people to make fun and offering a reward are two very different things.

9 years ago
Reply to  Abby

I’m sorry you feel that way. I wish you could have a laugh with us and enjoy the humor.

9 years ago
Reply to  Abby

Abby, it is speaking the truth. Read below.

9 years ago
Reply to  Abby

I have sometimes thought that Wilson might not like me very much if he met me in person. I disagree with a good 50% of his stated opinions and I am insanely obsessive about what I eat, a trait that seems to get on his nerves. When I think I am right, I don’t let go. I am polite but I am stubborn as a mule. I am a moderately liberal, gay-rights-supporting, evolution-believing Catholic. Nonetheless, I have no fear whatsoever that he would mock me or call me vulgar. If I turned to him for spiritual counsel, I would have… Read more »

9 years ago
Reply to  jillybean

It’s not about trump caring about wilsons opinion of him.

And a pastor calling for his people to mock someone openly publicly loudly that’s a little different than a bystander being turned off by wall paper etc…

I’m amazed y’all can’t see that trump being the way he is has nothing to do with how our behavior is our responsibility and a reflection of US. and as a Christian and as a pastor it’s a reflection of Christ.

King Albert
King Albert
9 years ago
Reply to  Abby

Wilson has addressed DT previously, with sincere and pastoral language. If you want to make the case that Christians largely laughed at and mocked other issues as society slouched towards Gomorrah (divorce, LGBT, abortion, etc), I won’t disagree. They first made the important point that these issues are crimes against our Holy God and that He, as Creator and Judge, will not be mocked. Society has not heeded the warning/call to Repentance. Wilson’s point is that Trump is infinitely clown-able, as demonstrated by all professional and amateur comedians. As such, he’s not anywhere near qualified to hold any public office… Read more »

9 years ago
Reply to  Abby

Please show me in the Bible where it says it is ok and a good thing to mock someone who needs Jesus. How does that help anyone? How is that pastoral?
Clearly, you’ve never *read* the Bible, including the red letters.

"A" dad
"A" dad
9 years ago
Reply to  Abby

Abby, rebuke is a fine line, though since you asked, Jesus insulted the leaders and they were offended in Matt. 15:1-14.
Elijah mocked the false prophets in 1Kings 18:27.
Not everyone here is wise, though the words of the wise are like sharp goads at times, poking the sheep in the right direction.
I myself like goading humor, because, if it works, the people see the love in the humor, once they learn the issue in question.

9 years ago
Reply to  "A" dad

Yes. Something like answer a fool according to his folly lest he be wise in his own eyes.

Abby seems to be a Prov 26.4 type of person.

The Bible clearly has room for both.

Rob Steele
Rob Steele
9 years ago

This deserves something funny and the entries so far aren’t quite there. I can’t think of anything funny either. Sad and snarky, yes, but not funny.

Here are some words to stir your creative juices: tacky, gaudy, tasteless, ill-bred, garish, loud, vulgar, uptown white trash, Blue Light Special in aisle 8.

Wesley Sims
Wesley Sims
9 years ago
Reply to  Rob Steele

Beethoven was a loser. Not a winner. I heard he was deaf. Sad. No women either. Sad.

9 years ago
Reply to  Wesley Sims

And now he is de-composing.

"A" dad
"A" dad
9 years ago
Reply to  jillybean

oooofff! Not to mention, he went to the cemetary because people were dyin’ to get in there. ; – )

9 years ago
Reply to  jillybean

Hey, Bach off now… no one’s keeping score here.

"A" dad
"A" dad
9 years ago
Reply to  Rob Steele

Rob, see my entry below, and posted above. Does it pass the “humor of Steele test’?
“A chick on every piano, and a piano in every mirage.” The Donald.

Rob Steele
Rob Steele
9 years ago
Reply to  "A" dad


9 years ago
Reply to  Rob Steele

Something like

Red state plan to turn the white house into a red light district.

Rob Steele
Rob Steele
9 years ago
Reply to  bethyada

Needs punch.

9 years ago

An aspect of the immigration situation I wasn’t aware of came to my attention recently — electoral votes and congressional seats are apportioned based on population as reported in the Census, which counts residents, not citizens. So having more immigrants in your state (legal or illegal) inflates its influence on national politics, even if they cannot vote. One analysis I saw suggested that California had 10 more Congressional seats than it would by just counting citizens.

9 years ago
Reply to  ashv

Ashv, you missed the news flash. Illegals vote even though they aren’the supposed to. Sorry to break the news to you.

Trump sitting at the piano won’t change things.

9 years ago
Reply to  Dave

Well, obviously. My point is that fixing that isn’t enough.

Douglas Michael Singer
Douglas Michael Singer
9 years ago
9 years ago

That was a good one.

Douglas Michael Singer
Douglas Michael Singer
9 years ago
9 years ago
9 years ago

Another entry:comment image

9 years ago
Andrew Kelly
Andrew Kelly
9 years ago

Meme entry:comment image

John McNeely
John McNeely
9 years ago
John McNeely
John McNeely
9 years ago
John McNeely
John McNeely
9 years ago
Ray D.
Ray D.
9 years ago

I figured the chick on the piano was Caitlyn Jenner.

John McNeely
John McNeely
9 years ago
Nathan Hansen
Nathan Hansen
9 years ago
Kevin Faulk
Kevin Faulk
9 years ago
John McNeely
John McNeely
9 years ago
9 years ago

Another entry:comment image

9 years ago

Another entry:comment image

9 years ago

Another entry:comment image

doug sayers
doug sayers
9 years ago

You really think the “Landlord” is going to buy your defense? Sorry, but the pictures often used on the blog get in the way and cast doubt on your profession that Christian women are more beautiful than non. Your wordsmithing is strong enough to do without all the babes. Come on man, swallow your pride and let this be the last one.

"A" dad
"A" dad
9 years ago

“a chicken in every pot and a car in every garage.” Herbert Hoover

“A chick on every piano, and a piano in every mirage.” The Donald.

; – )

9 years ago
Reply to  "A" dad

Ha! I would laugh even harder, but sadly I think that has a great deal to do with why he is doing so well with voters.

"A" dad
"A" dad
9 years ago
Reply to  ME

Thanks MEmi, let’s hope Abby comes to the party!

9 years ago

It’s how you spend your money when everyone is watching that defines you.

9 years ago
Reply to  Ellen

Ellen, I would say character is more accurately defined by how you spend your money when no one is watching.

9 years ago
Reply to  Dave

Dave, don’t you think that chosen scene/shot tells you all you need to know about the man’s character? A lot of people spend their money on image. I put it to you that the image they choose to portray tells you an awful lot about them.

9 years ago
Reply to  Ellen

I guess it also helps if you know your Batman movies.

Ryan Sather
Ryan Sather
9 years ago

Doug, you certainly are a master of the click bait…

Classy as always…it’s what’s so great about this site.

"A" dad
"A" dad
9 years ago
Reply to  Ryan Sather

“So I am not trying to get guys to see too much of Mrs. Trump. I am trying to get everybody to see a little bit more of what they are helping to make happen. Tomorrow is Super Tuesday, and tens of thousands of evangelicals are going to turn out in order to cast their votes for the Kamikaze Klown.” “But if anyone is not stumbled by the photograph in question, I would invite them to participate in a meme contest.” Matthew 10:16 “I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as… Read more »

Ian Miller
9 years ago
Reply to  "A" dad

Don’t feed the troll! Someone reminded me not to do this, so I’m passing it on…

Ian Miller
9 years ago
Reply to  Ryan Sather

Yum yum.

"A" dad
"A" dad
9 years ago
Reply to  Ryan Sather

What ever you may think of Wilson, I hope your are praying for the mother in particular, along with the rest of the family. Don’t you think most of the family would love to have a day when they don’t have deal with fresh pokes at old wounds?

9 years ago
Reply to  "A" dad

I know that the rest of us would.

"A" dad
"A" dad
9 years ago
Reply to  Ian Miller

He seems to be making reasonable comments lately.

I’m hoping that with some support, he’ll keep it up!

He might even be trying to be funny! Even better!

If reasonableness drops off, it will not be encouraged.

Ian Miller
9 years ago
Reply to  "A" dad

Hmm. I didn’t see the reasonableness, but I’ve only been dipping in and out.

"A" dad
"A" dad
9 years ago
Reply to  Ian Miller

He came back on the “Pastoral Competence” post and was resonable. He has been since then.
Encourage what you want more of,
discurage what you want less of. So far, so good!

Ian Miller
9 years ago
Reply to  "A" dad

That might explain it. :)

Christopher Casey
Christopher Casey
9 years ago
Reply to  Ryan Sather

“Doug, you certainly are a master of the click bait…”

He really isn’t.