Content Cluster Muster [11-24-22]

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A New Line of Argument for the KJV

Check it all out here.

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Night Time Open Road

And more here, as per usual.

A Song I Really Like for Some Reason

Okay Then

On Not Taking a Hint

Jokes I Like to Tell

Because most of the world is water, and because none of it is carbonated, what does that mean?
It means the world really is flat.

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2 years ago

I have always wanted to open up an artgallery/coffee shop. Whenever I mentioned it I was always discouraged from doing so. I am a failure. David Bahnsen is correct the socialist agenda feeds on vices like envy, manipulation, egalitarianism. It creates little human monsters who dont have any clue on how to love their neighbor as themselves it feeds on covetousness and greed. Once they grow out control they are untamable, so it seems. They have their illgotten gains but are hollow shallow souls with really no real meaning except to dishonor God and their neighbor. I have witnessed this… Read more »