A College Ad That Punches Above Its Weight Class
I Subscribed to a Cancelled Scott Adams, & So Should You
There’s Always One
A Song I Really Like for Some Reason
Yes, Quite
Rick Warren and Women Pastors
Featured Product
Are You Looking for the City? (MP3)
Shall I explain what’s going on with these songs? I am in the process of emptying out the archives, and giving you all a chance to share in the joy. I will probably add this explanation to all the songs I add here.
Back in the seventies I was in a band called Mountain Angel Band. In the course of events, we cut an album, three songs of which I wrote. They will appear in the Mablog s…
As a born-and-bred cheesehead, I approve.
The cheese-wheel folks are the Packer fans who tell his fellow fans in front of him to sit down. Seen it myself.
My thought on the cheesehead pic was a Brit moves to Green Bay, WI
Re: Scott Adams. No thanks. He pushed the vaccine pretty hard (fine as that goes), and once he realized he was wrong, his mea culpa was, and I paraphrase, “I might have been wrong, but I am smart and used the right process to arrive at my position. Can’t really be blamed for that. And you lower-intelligence plebs were right, but only because a broken clock is occasionally right.”