That professor is proof of what I have been saying for a while. These people don’t honestly believe the nonsense they spew. They are simply pulling a power play. They want to force us to knowingly lie because they can. It reminds me of a dysfunctional family where people just want to coerce others because they are able. The naive college students and the true believers are simply being manipulated.
Christians that try to get near this are real trouble for the church, and pastors better start pushing back.
A good many of the people spewing the nonsense do not care if it is true or false, they just know it is the line of the party that feeds them. It pays to spout the party line, but it does not pay to think too hard about it.
There has been plenty of this stuff among the super-woke for awhile now, and indeed the anti-biology logic of parts of the left lead inexorably in this direction. But I think Buck needs to check the definition of “Medical Professional.” The study (and post) was done by a “Social Psychology” PhD and a “Feminist Sociology” PhD. Not exactly cream of the crop. These are the people the Sokal Squared hoax skewered.
Social psychology could theoretically be a valid discipline, if it stuck to “what people do and how what they think affects what they do” as opposed to “what we can learn about reality from what people do and think.” But it’s outgrown its own portfolio AND been taken over by ideologues. And certainly, it’s not a medical profession.
That professor is proof of what I have been saying for a while. These people don’t honestly believe the nonsense they spew. They are simply pulling a power play. They want to force us to knowingly lie because they can. It reminds me of a dysfunctional family where people just want to coerce others because they are able. The naive college students and the true believers are simply being manipulated.
Christians that try to get near this are real trouble for the church, and pastors better start pushing back.
A good many of the people spewing the nonsense do not care if it is true or false, they just know it is the line of the party that feeds them. It pays to spout the party line, but it does not pay to think too hard about it.
There has been plenty of this stuff among the super-woke for awhile now, and indeed the anti-biology logic of parts of the left lead inexorably in this direction. But I think Buck needs to check the definition of “Medical Professional.” The study (and post) was done by a “Social Psychology” PhD and a “Feminist Sociology” PhD. Not exactly cream of the crop. These are the people the Sokal Squared hoax skewered.
Social psychology could theoretically be a valid discipline, if it stuck to “what people do and how what they think affects what they do” as opposed to “what we can learn about reality from what people do and think.” But it’s outgrown its own portfolio AND been taken over by ideologues. And certainly, it’s not a medical profession.