Interesting article. I don’t know who “spandrell” is, but his(?) points about the Left’s capture of capitalism, and Leftward demographic trajectory, seem pretty sound. I don’t particularly agree that it will manifest as a permanent electoral shift toward blue. Rather I think the red party will simply continue to redefine and reinvent itself in its role as ‘the shadow that follows the blue party to perdition’. I expect the color of our two-party electoral map will continue to hover around equilibrium. The voting booth will continue to appear to be critically important. I’m not in agreement with how spandrell presents… Read more »
I like some of what spandrell writes, but his cocksure machismo shtick, even when he has no idea what he is talking about, is grating (see, for example, his asinine comments about alcohol tolerance and selection pressure). Also, why are alty types so in love with this narrative: “It won’t be long until the Hispanic population of Texas grows to the point where the state votes Democrat, and then the Democratic Party will have a permanent electoral majority.” Is it just because they love to catastrophize and can only see the world in racial categories? The existing coalitions can’t outlast… Read more »
I think Jones is too strong here. I agree with the principle of having children in worship, listening to the sermon, etc and I believe it should ALWAYS be PERMISSABLE but I do not think it is scriptural to make it law. There are instances where I think children should not be required (or their parents have about from the body) to be in the full worship service. I think he is declaring law what God does not.
Maybe it’s a fine line between declaring a law, and arguing that every specific argument adduced in favor of an action violates some important biblical principle, but I think the latter is more what is going on here than “declaring a law.” If you can’t come up with a good justification for not doing something, and doing the thing has plenty in its favor, then the choice seems clear, “law” or no “law.” There may be specific instances where a particular child should not be required to be in the worship service. I can’t think of any situation where a… Read more »
I don’t think there should ever be a requirement for kids to be elsewhere. Why? Because I dont see it in scripture. Nor do I see that every kid should be in every part of a worship service. God knew there would be lots of local bodies with lots of little bodies. If he wanted to make sure they were all together all the time, he could have thrown Third Timothy in. If a child is too young to understand the sorts of things the pastor is saying, then I think it is acceptable for there to be a time… Read more »
6 years ago
Re the Friday Funny, there’s a verse about that: “If one offered for puppy love all the wealth of his house, it would be utterly scorned” (Song of Solomon 8:7, CEB*).
*Canine English Bible
RE: NatGeo article (ellipses for brevity) “…shaking his head in bewilderment…as the…father struggles to make sense of the harrowing discovery…In our time and culture, the violent death of even one child rends all but the most callous hearts, and the specter of mass murder horrifies every healthy mind. And so, we wonder: What desperate circumstances might account for an act that’s unthinkable to us today?” “I’d like to think that the children…were what was most precious to the Chimú…Their lives must have been worth more than gold.” This is the cognitive dissonance that occurs when folks can’t or won’t see… Read more »
“What does that have to do with selling razors?”
Interesting article. I don’t know who “spandrell” is, but his(?) points about the Left’s capture of capitalism, and Leftward demographic trajectory, seem pretty sound. I don’t particularly agree that it will manifest as a permanent electoral shift toward blue. Rather I think the red party will simply continue to redefine and reinvent itself in its role as ‘the shadow that follows the blue party to perdition’. I expect the color of our two-party electoral map will continue to hover around equilibrium. The voting booth will continue to appear to be critically important. I’m not in agreement with how spandrell presents… Read more »
I like some of what spandrell writes, but his cocksure machismo shtick, even when he has no idea what he is talking about, is grating (see, for example, his asinine comments about alcohol tolerance and selection pressure). Also, why are alty types so in love with this narrative: “It won’t be long until the Hispanic population of Texas grows to the point where the state votes Democrat, and then the Democratic Party will have a permanent electoral majority.” Is it just because they love to catastrophize and can only see the world in racial categories? The existing coalitions can’t outlast… Read more »
Gillette parody:
I think Jones is too strong here. I agree with the principle of having children in worship, listening to the sermon, etc and I believe it should ALWAYS be PERMISSABLE but I do not think it is scriptural to make it law. There are instances where I think children should not be required (or their parents have about from the body) to be in the full worship service. I think he is declaring law what God does not.
Maybe it’s a fine line between declaring a law, and arguing that every specific argument adduced in favor of an action violates some important biblical principle, but I think the latter is more what is going on here than “declaring a law.” If you can’t come up with a good justification for not doing something, and doing the thing has plenty in its favor, then the choice seems clear, “law” or no “law.” There may be specific instances where a particular child should not be required to be in the worship service. I can’t think of any situation where a… Read more »
I don’t think there should ever be a requirement for kids to be elsewhere. Why? Because I dont see it in scripture. Nor do I see that every kid should be in every part of a worship service. God knew there would be lots of local bodies with lots of little bodies. If he wanted to make sure they were all together all the time, he could have thrown Third Timothy in. If a child is too young to understand the sorts of things the pastor is saying, then I think it is acceptable for there to be a time… Read more »
Re the Friday Funny, there’s a verse about that: “If one offered for puppy love all the wealth of his house, it would be utterly scorned” (Song of Solomon 8:7, CEB*).
*Canine English Bible
Hah. I like it.
RE: NatGeo article (ellipses for brevity) “…shaking his head in bewilderment…as the…father struggles to make sense of the harrowing discovery…In our time and culture, the violent death of even one child rends all but the most callous hearts, and the specter of mass murder horrifies every healthy mind. And so, we wonder: What desperate circumstances might account for an act that’s unthinkable to us today?” “I’d like to think that the children…were what was most precious to the Chimú…Their lives must have been worth more than gold.” This is the cognitive dissonance that occurs when folks can’t or won’t see… Read more »