The Content Cluster Muster (08.27.20)

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Hotel California

Deuteronomic Blessings

Open Roads Continue to Fascinate

As always, more here.

A Conversation Regarding Revelation

That Could Have Been Phrased Better

C.R. Wiley on Man of the House and Bombadil

A Passion for Social Justice Explained in Three Panels

As Seen on the Web

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Alexander Cantrell
Alexander Cantrell
3 years ago

Any other general resources on “Deuteronomic Blessings”? The Baptists around me all seem to start twitching whenever any blessings are mentioned in the Old Testament. First response (and typically the only real teaching) is a series of “well it doesn’t mean THAT”. It’s as if everyone has PTSD from fighting against the Prosperity Gospel and don’t realize they aren’t in the warzone anymore. It’s a subject that seems to keep coming up – my group at church has been going through a book which insinuates that the only proper thing to do with wealth is to get rid of it.

Dave's not here
Dave's not here
3 years ago

Well, let me just tell you! I once had a mother-in-law who thought the main reason to amass wealth is to buy indulgences and contribute to the Treasury of Merit. She insisted that if a Saint is rich enough at death, she can completely buy her way out of purgatory altogether, depending on the piety and greed level in the archdiocese. She was always a little worried about that part. So anyway, she was really comfortable financially when she died but so far we ain’t heard from her to know how that all worked out. It’s been 20 years or… Read more »