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Eric Stampher
Eric Stampher
7 years ago


How about publishing a slim little booklet from you on best questions to ask?
Call it Cultural Clash Questions or something.
When we see these videos like this on Evergreen, etc, and recall many of your confusion-clearing statements in response, first thing comes to mind is “Gee, down the years, Doug has been demonstrating great clarifications & comebacks, including … what were they? Oh yeah, By what standard? and, and ?”
I for one would by your primer of questions to ask yourself & others vis-a-vis cultural clashes.

Rob Steele
Rob Steele
7 years ago

What do you have to do to get expelled from Evergreen?

St. Lee
7 years ago
Reply to  Rob Steele

I would guess is that displaying an ounce of common sense would do it …

7 years ago
Reply to  Rob Steele

I would’ve thought there was some expectation of student behaviour that prohibits this occurring. Allowing for peaceful protests outside of classes, respectful interaction with teachers and administrators. They so much wish to appease that they wreck the experience for the majority of the students.

And the president has no balls.

Rob Steele
Rob Steele
7 years ago
Reply to  bethyada

I bet the liberals running the place basically approve of what their students are doing. Leftism eats its own.

Rob Steele
Rob Steele
7 years ago
Reply to  bethyada

I expect the folks running that place including the president actually approve of most of what their students are doing. Leftism eats its own.

Jill Smith
Jill Smith
7 years ago
Reply to  bethyada

Bethyada, before I join the general condemnation, I have to confess that I once accompanied notorious Yippie Jerry Rubin in occupying the Faculty Club. We bore aloft his porcine mascot Pigasus, whom he tried to get on the ballot in the 1968 presidential election. What was embarrassing was that many of my parents’ friends, as well as my friends’ parents, were dining there. They undermined our protest by buying us drinks all round and inviting us to join in a searching analysis of our grievances, our motives, and our tactics.

7 years ago

Something to keep in mind about Evergreen, most of the media reports things like, “Students of color confront racist professor,” or “minorities demand equality at Evergreen.” They’re trying to imply this is a “black against white” struggle. That is false, this situation has almost nothing to do with black students at all. Those are nearly all white kids shrieking. Only about 5% of students are black in the first place and about half of those are completely disinterested in this silliness.

Tim Wilcoxson
Tim Wilcoxson
7 years ago

“First and foremost, I want to state that there will be, as far as I know, no charges filed against any students involved in actions that occurred this morning,” Mr. Bridges said. “We will be conducting a major review, an investigation of all that occurred and will be reporting back to you, the campus community, about exactly what happened, why it happened and what we intend to do about the incident — not the incident, excuse me, the actions that were taken, both students, staff and faculty involved.” On Wednesday, students crashed a faculty meeting that was planned to, among… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Tim Wilcoxson

Meanwhile in Germany, the progressives are staying busy, too:

7 years ago

Besides Evergreen, the media bombs us daily with this kind of thing:

Imagine if a group of white girls did the same thing, with Tweets like “Vanilla is better” and “your skin whitener could NEVER.” There would be a national outrage. Instead this is celebrated as the best thang eva.

7 years ago

Who is paying for the Evergreen “students” tuition, etc.? What does anyone do after they graduate from Evergreen?

7 years ago
Reply to  JohnM


Who is paying for the Evergreen “students” tuition, etc.?
– The Gov’t gives grants and loans so kids can be ‘educated’.

What does anyone do after they graduate from Evergreen?
– 1) work for gov’t handing out loans;
2) go on the dole; or
3) become the next ‘educators’.
There are 2 types of people: Those who produce more than they consume, and those who consume more than they produce. The producers need to be wiser about who gets their productivity.

Jill Smith
Jill Smith
7 years ago
Reply to  wisdumb

I know nothing about the caliber of the academic education on tap at Evergreen. But I was young and on campus during the sixties, although at a very good university. Most of the student leaders whom I knew personally turned sharp right by the age of 25. They became CEOs, judges, surgeons, and politicians.

I don’t find it odd that they later joined The System and became The Man. What I find odd is that they still believe they were right without noticing the disconnect between what they believed and what they became.

7 years ago
Reply to  Jill Smith

That right turn… Good observation.
I think the appeal or the ‘carrot on a stick’ was comfort, security, and promise of position. Their former ideals just didn’t have the same appeal as near-immediate gratification.
But they kept some of their old ideals – to justify their new wealth.

7 years ago

Why can’t I see any content under the headings? Apparently others aren’t having that problem. Any ideas on how to fix it? I can see the open road photo and link but the other two headings show nothing under them.

7 years ago
Reply to  Ree

Video or something must be blocked on your device? You can try to right click and see if a “show content” box pops up.

7 years ago
Reply to  MeMe

Right clicking didn’t show that, but you may be right that video might be blocked. My husband put a lot of security settings on my PC recently because we were having problems with various malware. I’ll check with him. Thanks

Jill Smith
Jill Smith
7 years ago
Reply to  Ree

Just be sure your husband isn’t pulling a Mark Twain on you. Twain read Huck Finn aloud to Mrs. Twain, leaving her in a state of absolute bemusement about the improprieties and vulgarities about which the censors were complaining. One day he went out, and she read the book for herself.

Turned out he was censoring everything interesting while he read to her.

7 years ago

The book ‘Lord of the Flies’ comes to mind. Children, left to themselves with no discipline, will truly devour one another, eventually.

Jill Smith
Jill Smith
7 years ago
Reply to  Ellen

Golding based the idea for that novel on a Victorian children’s story about castaways on an island. In the original, The Coral Island, the children behave impeccably, the older ones caring for the younger and taking charge in a heroic way. The younger ones are obedient and helpful, and everyone gets off the island safely. In both cases, the children are the product of upper class English education. I wonder if it was ever true that traditional education prepared children to be heroic leaders who could take charge at a moment’s notice? I have often thought that the young people… Read more »

John Callaghan
John Callaghan
7 years ago
Reply to  Jill Smith

Perhaps, the largest change in childhood in the last half century has been a drastic loss of autonomy. Pre-teenage children are much less likely to be roaming out by themselves or in groups than they ever have in history.

Of course, that autonomy was a mixed blessing.

Jill Smith
Jill Smith
7 years ago
Reply to  John Callaghan

I had a brother-in-law who always said that the most glorious part of his childhood was playing unsupervised in all the bombed out houses in London during World War II. The clip you linked to made me think of that.

It is hard to get the right balance, but I know we city dwellers have got it wrong. My daughter grew up under virtual house arrest and so did her friends.