The Content Cluster Muster (04.23.20)

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Jesus Grabbed the Eschaton (Easter Drive-in Service)

No Longer in Your Sins (Drive-in Easter 2020)

"The end of human history erupted in the middle of human history like a volcano. The very end of all things, the last days, the eschaton, was taken by Jesus – and when He lived a perfect sinless life, died on the cross, went into the grave – He came back from that grave and brought the end of the world with Him.That's why this world is a new world. That's why its a new creation. That's why it will never be the same again. This world cannot be the way it was. And the reason it cannot be the way it was is that a Man has come back from the dead in it. He rose from the dead in this world, and therefore this world is not this world anymore. This world is completely remade." – Douglas WilsonFull sermon:

Posted by Christ Church on Tuesday, 21 April 2020
Full sermon:

As Bold as a Lion

"The righteous are as bold as a lion. This is easy to say until we come to the realization that only one man has ever…

Posted by Christ Church on Tuesday, 21 April 2020

A Whale Road

As always, more here.

This Guy Just needs a hug

Hatred Breaking Out All Over

Seething bigotry and you know the rest of the drill.

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