The Content Cluster Muster (03.01.18)

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Hey Mohler, Come on Over!

Al Mohler arguing (rather like an honorary Presbyterian) for inclusion of children in the congregation of the Lord.

There Are Times When God Overdoes It

More open road stuff here.

Building Codes Cramp My Style

Some of these make more sense than the original!

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Bernard Hampton
7 years ago

Great excerpt from Mohler. I agree!

7 years ago

I was really encouraged by Mohler’s statement when I saw it earlier this week. I think it is a good message especially for baptists and baptist pastors/future pastors to hear. Hopefully it will have positive repercussions.

7 years ago

Sounds like David Bahnsen might be taking a tactics page from the book of Amos.

7 years ago

From your “interview”: What changed?

I would say the battlefield changed.

Matthew Hoiser wrote this week about the speed at which this is happening.

What is truth’ to ‘There is no absolute truth’ to ‘It’s true if it’s true for you’ to ‘If you deny this is true you are a hater’

It really is rapid. Almost to the level of the victim de jour is X. Affirm X right now or we ostracise you and you lose your job and reputation. Even those sympathetic to the zeitgeist are not immune from failing to be obsequious enough.

7 years ago

I found this article inspiring. The Little Known Story of Olympian Eric Liddell’s Final Years. After the Olympics and his graduation, Eric returned as a missionary to China, where he had been born to missionary parents in 1902. When the Japanese occupation made life dangerous, he sent his pregnant wife, Florence, and their two daughters to Canada. Japanese invaders placed him in a squalid prison camp, without running water or working bathrooms. There, separated from his family, Eric lived several years before dying at age forty-three. (In 1944, a year before Eric died, Winston Churchill approved a prisoner exchange. As… Read more »

7 years ago

4th photo down on open road looks very much like a New Zealand Road. Tineye confirms this.

7 years ago
Reply to  bethyada

It’s from a photographer located in Dunedin. Not that I remember that specific location, but I travelled that highway about 41 years ago while bicycling around the country when I lived there.

Sara F.
7 years ago
Reply to  bethyada

That’s great! :)

7 years ago

On your recent Grace and Peace you discuss the grapes of wrath.

those who have to drink the wine are themselves the crushed grapes that make up the wine.

And you restate this is several ways throughout the post.

I thought this most interesting. It implied to me but was not spelt out in the post that: everyone has to drink the wine of wrath. And we either drink the wine of the supper that is the blood of Christ poured out for us, or we drink the wine of our own blood poured out in judgment.

John Callaghan
John Callaghan
7 years ago

Mont-Saint-Michel was the inspiration for Peter Jackson’s depiction of Minas Tirith in The Lord of the Rings.