The Content Cluster Muster (02.20.20)

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Time to Think About Logos Online


A Bit Different

And more here.

This is Why God Wanted Us to Have the Internet

A Wise Caution

ESV Only?

Here is something chewy and nutritious for the theological part of your brain.

The World is a Miraculous Place
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5 years ago

I have no idea why your commenting system is so difficult to use. For many months, it has often made me log in to WordPress again (although I was already logged in but your system apparently could not consistently figure that out). And now it has gotten worse. I get this message “ERROR: The password you entered for the username OKRickety is incorrect. Lost your password?” when I try to login using WordPress. I am certain I am using the correct password, because I went to, logged out, and then input my password and copied it, then logged back… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  OKRickety

OKR — Here’s how I think it works: Although you’re logging in to use your WordPress identity here, you’re not just logging into WordPress, but into So I log in as Kyriosity, my WP account, but I have a separate password for Mablog. It’s confusing, but it’s not broken.

5 years ago
Reply to  kyriosity

Kyriosity, whatever is going on is certainly confusing and, on that basis alone, it should be improved. After all, “For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints.” (1 Corinthians 14:33 KJV). Although I am a practicing computer programmer, I have been unable to create a rational explanation. More importantly, I suspect the difficulty of logging in is one of the reasons that discussion has decreased considerably over the past few months. But, as I said earlier, I don’t think Doug Wilson cares much about that. In fact, I suspect he… Read more »

Nathan Tuggy
Nathan Tuggy
5 years ago
Reply to  OKRickety

More importantly, I suspect the difficulty of logging in is one of the reasons that discussion has decreased considerably over the past few months. But, as I said earlier, I don’t think Doug Wilson cares much about that. In fact, I suspect he prefers it to be that way. Hanlon’s razor. Pastor Wilson has on various occasions expressed regret for his lack of technical proficiency in the context of various glitches that he was (at the time) unable to sort out, many of which have since been fixed with some difficulty. So the charitable interpretation is simply that he is… Read more »

JP Stewart
JP Stewart
5 years ago
Reply to  OKRickety

I don’t know if DW cares or not about the number of comments. Most trolls and the people who intermittently come here and leave like 50 out of 100 comments on a post usually do so as guests–so fixing the logins won’t change that. Likes/dislikes are often just clique-ish popularity contests and dopamine hits…I think the site would be better without them.

5 years ago
Reply to  JP Stewart

JP, I wuz gonna like your comment, but…

5 years ago

I have found the login frustrating too. I now use my Google account and not my WordPress account.