Even more so what passes for analysis from the likes of Clay Crouch, who said: – “The elections were not rigged.” – comment #235711 – “The refuge of the chronically aggrieved is to deny facts and cling to unfounded conspiracy theories.” -comment #235735 And then Time Magazine came along and offically let the cat out of the bag: There was a conspiracy unfolding behind the scenes… That’s why the participants want the secret history of the 2020 election told, even though it sounds like a paranoid fever dream–a well-funded cabal of powerful people, ranging across industries and ideologies, working together… Read more »
Either your reading comprehension is on a third grade level or, more likely, you didn’t even read the Time article you cited. Duh, you’d think that the title of the article would have been your first clue! The conclusion reached in the article is that various groups and individuals at times worked together and individually to thwart Trump’s attempt to steal the election. You should be grateful to those who worked hard to preserve our democracy.
Except the idea of Trump “stealing” the election is as preposterous as the 4 years of shampeachment/Russiagate/Ukraine-hoax. Those with functioning brains read through Orwellian filters and realize what the article actually said and what it left out about how the election was “fortified” (i.e., stolen).
Exhibit A of the chronically aggrieved. What a pity that your beliefs have been shattered by a brutal gang of facts. Maybe you and WJ could cuddle and comfort each other.
More projection from someone so programmed by the MSM, Woke Capital, government schools and Hollywood that they’ve had nary an independent thought in decades.
Clay, you been getting into Hunter Biden’s crack stash again? It’s gotta hurt when you trip over your own clown feet and faceplant with the asinine “You didn’t even read the article you cited!” line. Duh, you can’t cite an article without having first read it. What are you going to do for your next trick, clothesline yourself by claiming water isn’t wet? Speaking of clues, let’s talk about the title of the article, shall we? After all, nothing says “honest and above-board” like “The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election”, amirite? And just how… Read more »
4 years ago
Is it just me or are other people seeing whitespace for a couple of the Cluster Muster entries? This happened last week as well.
Surprising, what passes for poetry these days.
Even more so for what passes for theology around here. Watch Wilson shamefully proof text a depraved view of the Triune God.
Even more so what passes for analysis from the likes of Clay Crouch, who said: – “The elections were not rigged.” – comment #235711 – “The refuge of the chronically aggrieved is to deny facts and cling to unfounded conspiracy theories.” -comment #235735 And then Time Magazine came along and offically let the cat out of the bag: There was a conspiracy unfolding behind the scenes… That’s why the participants want the secret history of the 2020 election told, even though it sounds like a paranoid fever dream–a well-funded cabal of powerful people, ranging across industries and ideologies, working together… Read more »
Either your reading comprehension is on a third grade level or, more likely, you didn’t even read the Time article you cited. Duh, you’d think that the title of the article would have been your first clue! The conclusion reached in the article is that various groups and individuals at times worked together and individually to thwart Trump’s attempt to steal the election. You should be grateful to those who worked hard to preserve our democracy.
Except the idea of Trump “stealing” the election is as preposterous as the 4 years of shampeachment/Russiagate/Ukraine-hoax. Those with functioning brains read through Orwellian filters and realize what the article actually said and what it left out about how the election was “fortified” (i.e., stolen).
Exhibit A of the chronically aggrieved. What a pity that your beliefs have been shattered by a brutal gang of facts. Maybe you and WJ could cuddle and comfort each other.
More projection from someone so programmed by the MSM, Woke Capital, government schools and Hollywood that they’ve had nary an independent thought in decades.
Clay, you been getting into Hunter Biden’s crack stash again? It’s gotta hurt when you trip over your own clown feet and faceplant with the asinine “You didn’t even read the article you cited!” line. Duh, you can’t cite an article without having first read it. What are you going to do for your next trick, clothesline yourself by claiming water isn’t wet? Speaking of clues, let’s talk about the title of the article, shall we? After all, nothing says “honest and above-board” like “The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election”, amirite? And just how… Read more »
Is it just me or are other people seeing whitespace for a couple of the Cluster Muster entries? This happened last week as well.
I have had it before, and sometimes whitespace above the content but content present. I think it may be browser dependent.