Grist for Your Mill
Can be found right here.
A Song I Really Like for Some Reason
That’s How We Got Here
Buh Bye
Jokes I Like to Tell
So there was a blonde woman who came down with a pretty exotic-looking skin rash, both on her shins and on her forearms. The rash was not debilitating, but it did itch like crazy, and so her friends finally persuaded her to go to a dermatologist.
She made an appointment and went, but with a little trepidation because she had always been nervous about science, and techno things, and doctors, and she just knew that she was going to misunderstand whatever it was that they would try to explain to her. So her arms were itchy, and she was very nervous.
At first it seemed like she need not have worried. The doctor examined the rash, and told her what it was, with some fancy medical name. She didn’t follow that part, but he then went on to say that the treatment would be a daily milk bath, for one week. “That should do it,” he thought. “And we can take another look next week.”
And so she went home dutifully, and spent quite a bit of money over the course of the next week. She bought a lot of milk. And she dutifully took her milk bath every night.
The problem was that as the week passed, there didn’t seem to be any improvement when it came to the rash. When the time for the follow up appointment came, she went in, greatly disappointed. The doctor was baffled at first also. Then the light came on, and he turned to her and said, “Was the milk pasteurized?”
And at this, she put her hand at stomach level, palm down, and said, “No, it was only up to here.”
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Fire on the Mountain
This small book is an introduction to the Ten Commandments. Often cited, and even more frequently broken, a review of what these words spoken on Sinai mean for us in these relativistic times is most necessary.
Interesting article about the working class. One fairly obvious factor seemed to be neglected: students and white collar workers aren’t expected to work on a Sunday. The plumber who decides to not take work on tje Sunday knows that the job will likely be given to someone else. I don’t know what solution to offer, but it seems to be an obvious barrier to church attendance.
A plumber needn’t scruple to work on a Sunday for a true emergency — to refuse to do so in all situations would be uncharitable. Surely a family unable to have clean drinking water or working sanitation or wanting to spare their home from significant water damage is worth more than a donkey that has fallen into a ditch. And most people don’t expect or want non-urgent work on their homes so badly that they will turn down a plumber who won’t work on a Sunday, because that requires them to wait one extra day. Even today most people don’t… Read more »
I wonder though if Yenor is not projecting his own frustration with the church onto blue collar workers, and if he really knows that much about them. Maybe he does; maybe he has some experience or interaction, but we’re always imagining how “those people” see things, when we’ve never asked them. I also wonder, don’t know but wonder, if the church drop out segment is blue collar workers in general, some of whom have formal training, licenses, and decent income, or if it is more the unskilled workers who live closer to, and risk dropping into, the underclass.
That joke..😳..: ? I guess she isn’t going back to that quack doctor. Calimine lotion or aloe prolly would ease with itching… 🧐
That joke..https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/14.0.0/svg/1f633.svg..: ? I guess she isn’t going back to that quack doctor. Calimine lotion or aloe prolly would ease with itching… https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/14.0.0/svg/1f9d0.svg
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Doug, That guy talking about the working class is a no nothing about the real working class. Bookish guys going on a hunting trip to “connect.” Really?! 1) Why are blue collar guys viewed only as hunters and not bookish? 2) No real hunter would want to be anywhere near a bookish guy attempting to cross the divide on a hunt, and 3) the author has no idea what he’s talking about! I’m retired blue collar, bookish and no hunter. Or fisherman. Shocker! But my experience through my blue collar life is that I am not alone, just misrepresented. And… Read more »