I Stand Corrected . . .

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Yesterday while preaching I was making a point about the difference between common nouns and more capacious nouns. I was saying that we wouldn’t think anything of it if someone wrote a three-volume history on the word democracy, and then I said this — “But if you found someone had done the same thing with a common noun, studying shoelaces through history, you would begin to suspect deep personal problems.” My point was that nobody would do that.

But I have sharp parishioners. One of them, a young lady named Madeline James, offered me a very charitable correction. You can look at it here. The relevant section is just past the one minute mark.

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Jill Smith
Jill Smith
11 years ago

My video viewer isn’t working so I haven’t seen it, but my guess is that the sharp young lady caught you using common where you should have used concrete.  How wonderful it is to know that an appreciation for grammar and diction is not dead.

11 years ago

“The uploader has not made this video available in your country.”

11 years ago

This. is. awesome. And too funny that you would happen to choose shoelaces, right?

11 years ago

I love the aglet episode! For those unfamiliar with Phineas and Ferb, it is one of the funniest cartoons currently on t.v.! Before I clicked on the link, I suspected that the link would go to Phineas and Ferb. Go to Disney for downloads. Funny stuff!

11 years ago

i knew that word (aglet)!  feeling like i just won final jeopardy!

Josh Reighley
11 years ago

Phineus and Ferb is the best show on TV.