Heather Torosyan, RIP

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I wanted to thank all of you who have been praying for my younger sister Heather and her family, the Torosyans. It is with grief that I have to inform you that she passed away yesterday, but in resurrection hope we know she is now with the Lord. To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord, as we know she now is.

I would ask you all to continue to pray for her husband, Ararat, and her children Yeran (and husband Chris), Masis (and wife Araz), and Sevan, as well as for the grand kids. This was sudden and unexpected, and a hard providence for them, and for all the extended family. The cause of death was a sudden epileptic seizure. She was 64.

She was a loyal, dedicated, and very cheerful Christian, for as long as I can remember. Back in the day she served as a missionary, first in Egypt, and then in Turkey. It was in Turkey that she met and married my brother-in-law, before they moved to the Los Angeles area. We lived in different parts of the world for all our adult lives, but she always stayed closely connected to her roots and to her people. When my kids were little, she was the aunt who would bring them exotic gifts from afar.

Nancy and I are currently living with my father, who is 93. Heather was a faithful daughter, staying closely connected with him, as she called regularly to visit. And when she would call, my father would say, “Hello, lovely,” which about sums it up.

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4 years ago

I’m so sorry for your loss! I have prayed for your family, and especially her husband. I lost my older brother just before Christmas in 2017. Though I know he is rejoicing in heaven it was still hard. But…”Precious, in the sight of the Lord, is the death of His saints.”

Daniel Meyer
Daniel Meyer
4 years ago

Dear Doug, I am sorry for your loss. Our prayers are with you and your family.

Wade Ringer
Wade Ringer
4 years ago

So sorry to hear of this pastor Wilson. You all are in our prayers continually.

4 years ago

I’m sorry for the loss to you and your family. I pray that you all will be comforted by your hope in the Lord.

4 years ago

I remember Heather’s exuberance at a hymn-sing at Jim & Bessie’s home in the early 80s. Heather was playing “God’s piano,” taking on all requests, and at just the right place in the chorus of “Wonderful Grace of Jesus” she would belt out a big “WooHoo!” There will be joy in heaven.

4 years ago


4 years ago

May the certainty of the hope of the resurrection and the life of the world to come be your strength and comfort as you go through this time of grief.

Melody Grace Selby
Melody Grace Selby
4 years ago

So very sorry for your loss. May the Lord give you and your family much comfort as you grieve.

4 years ago

Tearing up reading this Doug. Peace be with you and all of your family this Christmas. She looks like a wonderful woman. God bless her husband in this impossible time .

Kristina Zubic
Kristina Zubic
4 years ago

I’m sorry for your loss, sir.

4 years ago

God fill you with comfort, peace and hope brother.

Though she die yet shall she live.

James Wilson
James Wilson
4 years ago

Aunt Heather was a great person to be around, and a great Christian. She will be missed, but we will meet her in the air with Jesus someday, and, as John wrote between 65 and 95 AD “Blessed are those who die in the Lord from now on.”

Don Wheatley Jr.
Don Wheatley Jr.
4 years ago

Pastor Wilson– I am sorry for your loss. Your graveside homily was very God-honoring. May and extra measure of God’s grace and peace be upon you and your family during this time of loss.

JP Stewart
JP Stewart
4 years ago