A Couple Shameless Plugs

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So let me explain what happened. Some months ago, my CD player in my truck conked out. Nancy was kind enough to get me a new one for Christmas, which I then had installed. But in the meantime, a bunch of my Mars Hill Audio Journal CDs had backed up into a small pile, so I then went on a Ken Myer binge, which was fun, because in the middle of that, I went down to Monroe where he and I were both speaking at a conference together. Ah, a familiar voice. But, eventually I got caught up. Ken’s interviews are where I get many of my ideas for book purchases. So check it out, I tell you.

Also during this enforced-audio-hiatus-time, a former student sent me some samples of a project he and some others are working on — audio dramatizations of some of G.A. Henty’s books. So I just finished listening to their production of Under Drake’s Flag, and highly recommend it to any of you who have kids who like to have adventures while riding in the car. These productions values are high, and they got some real pros reading the parts. For just one example, Brian Blessed reads the part of Henty, and lots of action swirls around him. Check these out too.

Drake's Flag

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Rob Steele
Rob Steele
10 years ago

Highly recommend Patrick Tull (the Voice!) reading Patrick O’Brian’s Aubrey/Maturin series.

10 years ago

Definitely two shameless plugs for the audio productions of GA Henty – Also anything by the folks at Lamplighter publishing and Lamplighter Theatre. Our kids love them!

Blessing Pastor Doug

10 years ago

We’re enjoying the audio production of In Freedom’s Cause. One of the voice actors is Skandar Keynes; another is Billy Boyd. Good stuff.

10 years ago

there are over 20 free audiobooks of Henty at Libravox.