New or Improved! But Why Not Both? That’s What We Say!

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Hey, all. I hope you have noticed the new digs.

There are even some more striking changes coming, so right at the top I want to urge all of you to get out to the edges of your seats. These changes will be splendoid, as a neologician might say.

If you want to catch a glimpse of the kind of goodness that is headed your way, the one completed thing that I am most pleased with (thus far) is the listing of available books. You can find that in the header bar just above this, or just click here. This is not to be confused with all those available e-books over in the Mablog Shoppe. That’s a different kettle of fish.

We will make introductions and announcements as events transpire. And if you have suggestions or comments, we are happy to hear them. And just so you know, the comments functionality should be back to the way they were before. This is because it important for you, the consumer, to understand that whining gets results.

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Ted Ryan
Ted Ryan
4 years ago

Bah! I hate change!

4 years ago

Wait, what? I can natter away here again? Woo.

Btw, logging in from Facebook, Twitter, and Google still doesn’t work for me (Mac Chrome).

Joe Ardeeser
Joe Ardeeser
4 years ago

thanks for the heads up. We were unaware that this was broken… troubleshooting.

4 years ago

All very good and I generally like. But will suggest where I think even more improvements can be made. On my phone the word “Mablog”in the header is formatted “Mablo” {new line} “g”. Word wrap is alongside the entire picture which means 3 or so letters each line and very difficult to read. I suggest no word wrap around any picture on mobile devices (do you deliver different webpages depending on device?). Other thoughts about layout (normal size browser) Date font is nice in and of itself, but old fashioned and does not blend with other fonts used on the… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  bethyada

And can I suggest limiting nesting comments to a single level (as Facebook does), or no levels (save perhaps the proprietor and moderator?)

4 years ago
Reply to  bethyada

Why do you consider limiting the nesting levels a good thing? In my experience, people just find that confusing, self included. But I am interested in why you think differently.

4 years ago
Reply to  Jane

I hate nesting. I would like no nesting and chronological comments. You can refer to a comment by it’s #.

Otherwise you are looking all around the comments.

If people insist on nesting, then limit it to one level. That way responses to a comment are chronological.

4 years ago
Reply to  bethyada

Well, we each have our own opinion. I vastly prefer nesting because you can see who is answering whom directly in the conversation. The numbers make it possible to do that, but it is far less intuitive. I do see what you mean about it being harder to identify new comments, though.

Joe Ardeeser
Joe Ardeeser
4 years ago
Reply to  bethyada

I sense that I am hearing from a fellow web designer :) The blog is going to have a pretty big revamp. This first release was mostly about scalability and cleaning things up.

Is there a way you could share a screenshot of the Mablog wrap issue on your phone?

4 years ago
Reply to  Joe Ardeeser

Can’t upload pictures to a comment. Email me and I’ll reply with a screen shot.

The problem appears on my phone’s Samsung browser, not Chrome.

Currently I cannot login on my phone.

“WordPress Social Login Endpoint.
406. The session identifier is missing.”

I get this on both chrome and Samsung browsers. I get it trying to use WordPress login and Google login

4 years ago

Link to comment

this appears to jump to the first line of the comment, not the top of the comment including the name.

4 years ago

I love the new format! So much easier on the eyes!

4 years ago

Loving all the changes save one. The text “theology that bites back” in the now-reduced-size logo on the header is illegible, at least at the resolution of my laptop screen.

4 years ago

I still think the post titles need to be relatively bigger and bolder.

Jon Swerens
4 years ago
Reply to  Jane

I agree! Pixels are free. Please make all of the text a little larger, please.

Joe Ardeeser
Joe Ardeeser
4 years ago
Reply to  Jon Swerens

Nice Jon- laughed at this one. More changes coming! A lot of the blog is going to be revamped. To use Doug’s verbiage… this is a steady “plodding” effort.

4 years ago

Love the new audio blog. I have limited time to sit down and read, and long-form blog posts (even good ones!) generally don’t make the cut. One suggestion: I would love to see some of what you might consider your “greatest hits” also released as audio blogs. There is a lot in the archives!