Attention All Plodcast Listeners!

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A number of you have noticed that something went wrong with the Plodcast feed to this space, and very kindly let us know about it. It was a combination of electronic demons teaming up with Murphy of Murphy’s Law fame. Unfortunately, fixing it would be too much of a time suck, and so we fixed it, sort of, with a plug-in. At the same time, the plug-in doesn’t work the way the old system did.

You can still access The Plodcast the same way you used to do—if you got to it at other venues, wherever podcasts roam. If you want to listen to it here, you will not see it appear automatically in the feed. You will be burdened with one or two extra clicks, for which I humbly apologize.

Go to the top menu bar, and select Audio. The drop down menu will give you two options. One of them is my podcast, and the other is the audio recording of the two blog posts that I record each week. Thanks for bearing with me, and sorry for the inconvenience.