Time to Get Fight Laugh Feast on the Calendar

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Over reformation weekend you’ll find me back at the Fight Laugh Feast Conference in Fort
Worth, Texas on October 31st-November 2nd. For some reason, known best to themselves, they keep inviting me back.

The theme this year is Prodigal America. I’ll be giving two talks, the first of which is on “Bastard Nation.” I’ll be taking on father hunger, the need for real fathers, and the path of destruction that abdicating fathers have left behind. The last promise in the Old Testament is that God will turn the hearts of fathers to their children and hearts of children to their fathers. This is the screaming need of our country today. We are being smothered
by the nanny state because we are estranged from our Father in heaven, and consequently from our earthly fathers.

My second talk is on “Where the Church Needs to Repent.” There of course are the low hanging fruit of our obvious sins, but the real problem would be the sins that we think of as virtues. Our churches today are led by shepherds who don’t guard the sheep, women who don’t want to honor true biblical authority, and men who refuse to lead their families. These sins have all been couched and tucked into various modern ecclesiastical virtues, and these planks are lodged in the proverbial eye of the church.

As in other years, the conference kicks off with food, beer, wine, lots of singing, and fellowship on Reformation Day, and its a rollicking experience you really don’t want to miss.
They still have plenty of booth space open for those who would like to showcase their
business at the conference. All the booths are in the same room as all the talks and commotion—rather than tucking you away in a separate room like an afterthought. It’s quite the unique experience. If you want to sign your business up, you can do that here.

This conference is of course family friendly, and I hear there will be a jumpy castle setup for the kids to shake it out if needed. The kids are more than welcome with all the little noises that come with them. You can get your tickets here. If the conference would be a financial burden for your family, email them at contact@fightlaughfeast.com to be put on their scholarship list. All other details including schedule, speakers, and more can be found at prodigalamerica.com.

Hope to see you there.