Letters in November

An Overview : Thank you! We, as Christian Americans, must publicly and graciously stand up for our Biblical beliefs, such as: (1) marriage is of two biologically different genders (male and female) Genesis, (2) the killing of a child (whether identified as fetus or baby) is simply a choice to kill a growing human being, …

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Rachael Denhollander’s Accomplishment (and Mistake)

Introduction: When it comes to dealing with the carnage left by out-of-control lusts, our culture is having a hard time of it. I am speaking specifically of sexual abuse and its aftermath. Many churches heal the wound lightly, saying that it is a “spiritual” matter, something to be taken care of “internally.” Victims are often …

From the Digital Mailbag

Trump, Naturally: I didn’t vote for Trump in 2016. If things continue on the current course, I can see myself likely pulling the lever for him in 2020, especially considering the neo-socialist, pro-Molech, non-binary gender alternative the opposing party is likely to put forward. CSarge Yes, I agree that this is the issue before us. …