Sermon Video Introduction: “Growing up Christian” is a process that revolves around a relationship between people. In most cases, you have the parents on the one hand, and you have the child ...
The Meaning of Contentment
Philippians (16): Sermon Video Introduction: We come now to the conclusion of Paul’s letter to the Philippians. The theme of this passage is the importance of contentment, in the context ...
That Passes Understanding
Philippians (15): Sermon Video Introduction: Paul is following his typical pattern here. He loves to conclude his epistles with a set of rapid-fire exhortations, which is what he is doing here ...
Likemindedness at the Pinch Point
Philippians (14): Sermon Video Introduction: Everybody thinks that likemindedness is a wonderful thing, and everyone approves of it in the abstract. Behold how pleasant it is when brethren ...
Colonies of Heaven
Philippians (13): Sermon Video Introduction: After the Lord’s resurrection from the dead, He established to His disciples that He was in fact alive forever, and then He ascended into the ...
Brothers and Business Deals
Sermon Video Introduction: By the grace of God, we live in an industrious community of Christians, and it has to be said that this has had a very predictable result. Not unrelated, we are also ...
Hard Work and the Sabbath
Sermon Video Introduction: Our elders recently decided that at the beginning of this academic year we were going to have a three-week series of messages on practical Christian living, with different ...
Forgetting What Lies Behind
Philippians (12): Sermon Video Introduction: One of the great things I learned from my father is that “God takes you from where you are, and not from where you should have been.” All of ...
Not Having My Own Righteousness
Philippians (11): Sermon Video Introduction: We come now to a particular gospel “turn” that is extremely troublesome to the carnal mind. The square peg of an “alien righteousness” does ...
No Confidence in the Flesh
Sermon Video Philippians (10): Introduction: Everyone here has an inner life and an external life. If there had been no fall, no rebellion, there would have been a true unity between the two. ...