Veiled in Flesh the Godhead See: Sermon Video Introduction: We have emphasized in the past that the gospel consists of two aspects—the person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ. The first ...
By Prophet Bards Foretold 3
Gold in the Genealogies: Sermon Video Introduction: The texts we are going to look at today are the genealogies of Christ, and other passages related to them, but the theme of this message ...
As Prophet Bards Foretold 2
Virgin Born: Sermon Video Introduction: Scripture is quite clear that Jesus Christ was born of a virgin. But what was the point? Why is this important? The Text: “Now all this ...
By Prophet Bards Foretold: Places/Part 1
Sermon Video Introduction: What we are going to do in this season of Advent is take a closer look at a number of the Old Testament prophecies concerning the birth of the Messiah. We are going ...
The Authority of Gratitude
Sermon Video Introduction: As we have all enjoyed the blessings of a Thanksgiving holiday just a few days ago, I thought it appropriate to spend some time on a little understood aspect of gratitude, ...
Prayer Ascends from a Low Place/Psalm 142
Sermon Video Introduction: This is a maskil, meaning a psalm of instruction. There is much for us to learn here. The occasion for it was when David was “in the cave,” with that being doubtless ...
Christ as the Incense of Prayer/Psalm 141
Sermon Video Introduction: We now come to the final decade of psalms. We first began this series almost twenty years ago—when some of you young marrieds were still pre-school, and the year you ...
How to Be a Christian Kid (3)
Sermon Video Introduction: One of the best ways for a Christian child to honor his father and mother is to surpass them. If a child outgrows his parents in love for Christ, in knowledge of the ...
The Word of No Condemnation
Sermon Video Introduction: As we mark and celebrate the great work of the Spirit that we call the Protestant Reformation, we need to be mindful of remembering two things. The first is that we ...
How to Be a Christian Kid (2)
Sermon Video Introduction: As we examine the Scriptures on this topic, we find that the central duty that Christian offspring have is the duty of honor. This honor has different manifestations ...