Sermon Video Introduction: Although the occasions can be many, there are two basic reasons for discouragement—internal and external. The internal occurs when for some reason we have given way ...
Difficult Relationships
Sermon Video Introduction: For a number of years now, we have been emphasizing community, life together, fellowship, communion, and what the New Testament calls koinonia. The response to this ...
Christ the Friend of Sinners
Sermon Video Introduction: If Satan could successfully get us all to believe just one lie, what would that lie be? Is there an aboriginal lie, one that rests at the root of every twisted thought ...
Patience in Work That Waits/2 Thessalonians 5
Sermon Video Introduction: Although the church at Thessalonica was a remarkably healthy church, it could not be said that there were no disorders there. At the conclusion of this second letter, ...
The Holy Spirit and a Sound Mind/Pentecost 2021
Sermon Video Introduction: One of the common mistakes that Christians make as they think about the Holy Spirit—who was poured out upon the Church at Pentecost—is the mistake of depersonalizing ...
Kingly Obedience/Ascension 2021
Sermon Video Introduction: The progress of the gospel throughout the world is certainly going to have the eventual effect of making your neighborhood a lot nicer, but that should not be considered ...
Church and Kingdom, Cathedral and Town
Sermon Video Introduction: Remember that the Spirit moves throughout the earth, converting and restoring individuals, fashioning them into saints, into believers. As His fruit is manifested in ...
Everlasting Consolation/2 Thessalonians 4
Sermon Video Introduction: This is a passage in which we can clearly see the basic Pauline cast of mind. How does the apostle Paul think about the relationship of gospel truth and gospel living? ...
Assurance/Covenant Life Together 3
Sermon Video Introduction: Last week you were exhorted to be prepared to give a reason for the hope that is in you. But whenever we give our testimony, we will be cross-examined by somebody, and ...
The Man of Sin
Sermon Video Second Thessalonians 3: Introduction: And now we come to the challenging passage, the one I have been warning you about. Who is the man of sin? What temple are we talking about? ...