Sermon Video Introduction: We live in troubled times, certainly, and a regular response that rank-and-file Christians have to this challenge is found in the lament, “But what can we do?” This ...
The Potency of Right Worship
Sermon Video Introduction: Many of the problems confronting modern Christians is that they diligently try to do the right thing . . . in the wrong categories. They try guitar fingering on a mandolin; ...
The Knowledge of Good and Evil
Sermon Video Introduction: The Lord Jesus was born in this world in order to reestablish mankind. The first mankind in Adam had failed at the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, and so Jesus ...
Black Bethlehem
As we continue to tell the story of how the Christ child was born, we need to take into account the story that his birth place had already been telling for centuries. That small town provided the perfect ...
Chalcedon Christmas 4
Sermon Video Introduction: In the fourth century, the Council of Nicea settled the question of the Lord’s deity, and consequently became the touchstone that enables us to address various Trinitarian ...
A Chalcedon Christmas #3
Sermon Video Introduction: At the beginning of Hebrews 3, we are told that Jesus Christ is the Apostle and High Priest of our confession. As an apostle, sent from the Father, He represents God ...
A Chalcedon Christmas #2
Sermon Video Introduction: As we reflect on the mystery of the Incarnation, we have to recognize that we are dealing with a staggering miracle. And the miraculous aspect of it has to do with what ...
A Chalcedon Christmas #1
Sermon Video Introduction : In our denomination, all churches are required to adopt three creeds into their statement of faith. Those three are from the time of the early church, and are the Apostles ...
Reforming the Family
Sermon Video Introduction: We understand that there is no such thing as a healthy Christian community without a large number of healthy Christian families. Just as you cannot have a good omelet ...
Real Forgiveness
Sermon Video Introduction: Everyone knows that the Christian faith revolves around the forgiveness of sins. But because there is a gospel logic involved in it that eludes every form of carnal ...