The Twelfth Decade of Psalms: Introduction: As we continue through the Hallel Psalms, we come to the second of them, and this is a great song of historical remembrance. When we set ourselves to praise God, to say hallelujah, we are to remember His great works of deliverance in history. A great part of our …
Psalm 113/Praise Jah!
The Twelfth Decade of Psalms: Introduction: This particular psalm begins the section of the psalter that is known as the Hallel Psalms. This section is Ps. 113 through 118. It was the custom of Jews to recite this section verbatim on festival occasions of praise. The word hallel means praise, and so when we are …
What Do You Mean Oedipus Didn’t Do It? / Ask Doug
Psalm 112/The Blessedness of Godly Delight
The Twelfth Decade of Psalms: Introduction: This psalm is part of a matched set, together with the previous one. Both this psalm and Ps. 111 are alphabetic psalms, with each portion beginning with the next letter in the Hebrew alphabet. As a consequence, the two psalms are right around the same length, and there are …
How Do You Handle Criticism of Your Teaching / Ask Doug
Psalm 111/The Great Deeps of the Covenant
The Twelfth Decade of Psalms: Introduction: Here is a straightforward psalm of praise, but we have to extend our arms all the way out to hold and carry what we are praising Him for. In order to wield this psalm rightly, we will have to beseech God to enlarge our hearts. Enlarge our hearts all …
Do I need a Seminary Degree to Become a Pastor? / Ask Doug
Reading Biographies in Order to Imitate / Ask Doug
Our Ebenezer Stone/State of the Church 2020
Introduction: The Lord has been blessing our congregation in many striking ways. We have been growing in remarkable ways, and an essential part of this growth entails the inevitable growing pains. Quite a few of you just moved to our community just within the last year, and it may seem to you that you have …