According to Scripture, the reason we die is because of our sin. God told our first father Adam that the day he ate from the tree ...
Christianity vs Islam vs Secularism
On Trampling the Courts of God
Sermon Video Introduction: In a recent press conference, the president said that his desire was to have our country emerge from this crisis in a matter of weeks, not months, and that it was his ...
Interracial Marriages / Ask Doug
Your Dream Masterclass? / Ask Doug
Sermon Video INTRODUCTION: We need to begin with the obvious, which is that Scripture teaches that our words affect how we are doing, not to mention those all around us. But this “obvious” truth ...
Coronavirus Outbreak | Ask Doug
Psalm 119/ A Hymn to the Word
Sermon Video The Twelfth Decade of Psalms: Introduction: And here we come to a great hymn of gratitude and praise, offered up to God for His glorious law. We have here the definitive answer ...
Psalm 118/ The Stone the Builders Rejected
The Twelfth Decade of Psalms: Introduction: And so these Hallel psalms conclude on a note of high triumph—but it is triumph through the midst of trials. This is triumph that perseveres ...
Shaped by Our Worship of Him/Ps. 115
The Twelfth Decade of Psalms: Introduction: God alone is the God of all glory, and so we must turn to Him in order to bless Him alone. And when we give glory to Him, He in His divine grace has fashioned the world in such a way as to allow us to become a reflected …