The Future and the Little Flock
Sermon Video Introduction: Our attitude toward the future reveals, as few others things do, our actual doctrine of God, our actual theology. It is perilously easy to have our catechism truths ...
The Prophecy of Micah [2]
Sermon Video Introduction: Remember that the book of Micah can be loosely grouped as three sections that each follow the same three-part pattern—and that internal pattern is warning, judgment, ...
The Prophecy of Micah [1]
Sermon Video Introduction: Micah was a younger contemporary to the prophet Isaiah, and he ministered across the reigns of Jotham (c. 740 B.C.) and Hezekiah of Judah (who died in 687 B.C.). Other ...
Permit the Children
Sermon Video Introduction: This is a remarkable period in the history of our congregation. We have never seen growth like this before, and all of us are getting used to the new situation. Of course, ...
Dealing With Discouragement
Sermon Video Introduction: Although the occasions can be many, there are two basic reasons for discouragement—internal and external. The internal occurs when for some reason we have given way ...
Difficult Relationships
Sermon Video Introduction: For a number of years now, we have been emphasizing community, life together, fellowship, communion, and what the New Testament calls koinonia. The response to this ...
Christ the Friend of Sinners
Sermon Video Introduction: If Satan could successfully get us all to believe just one lie, what would that lie be? Is there an aboriginal lie, one that rests at the root of every twisted thought ...
What Changed Your Mind on Baptism? | Doug Wilson
Patience in Work That Waits/2 Thessalonians 5
Sermon Video Introduction: Although the church at Thessalonica was a remarkably healthy church, it could not be said that there were no disorders there. At the conclusion of this second letter, ...