Sermon Video Introduction: We are still in the mid dle of one of Micah’s consolation sections, and we have come to the passage where the birth of the Messiah is promised. The Text: “Now ...
The Prophecy of Micah [7]
Sermon Video Introduction: We are continuing to work through the consolation section of the second cycle. Each cycle consists of warning, judgment, and consolation. As this section encompasses ...
Fear Not, Little Flock
Introduction: Our attitude toward the future reveals, as few others things do, our actual doctrine of God, our actual theology. It is perilously easy to have our catechism truths down pat, there on ...
How to Move to Moscow
Introduction: Sermon Video As you all know, we have seen a steady stream of folks moving to Moscow, and, as you might not know, it shows no sign of letting up. Up to this point, we have all been ...
Books for Understanding 2021? | Doug Wilson
The Prophecy of Micah [6]
Sermon Video Introduction: The consolation section of the second cycle is long, encompassing two whole chapters—chapters four and five. We will therefore be working through this section over ...
The Prophecy of Micah [5]
Sermon Video Introduction: We begin the second cycle of prophetic ministry from the great prophet Micah. Remember that he ministered over the course of forty years or so, and yet was able to ...
Idols and Tyranny
Sermon Video Introduction: One of the reasons we have trouble dealing realistically with evil in this world is that we have drawn mental cartoons of the evil beforehand. When someone says “tyranny,” ...
The Prophecy of Micah [4]
Sermon Video Introduction: We have now come to the conclusion of the first cycle of Micah’s prophecy. Here we find a brief word of consolation, which, given what has come before, stands out ...
The Prophecy of Micah [3]
Sermon Video Introduction: Recall that there are three cycles of Micah’s word to the people, and each one of the three contains the elements of warning, judgment, and consolation. We are still ...