Completely Coated in Red Forgiveness
Sermon Video Easter 2022: Introduction: On this festal day, we remember, we commemorate, we celebrate the fact that Jesus Christ our Lord rose from the dead. Death no longer has dominion over ...
Advice for Elon Musk? | Doug Wilson
Palm Sunday as Powder Keg
Sermon Video Introduction: Over the years, I have mentioned a number of times that there is no good biblical reason to use the hosannas! of Palm Sunday and the crucify him! of the Passion account ...
Do Not Forsake the Work of Your Own Hands/Ps. 138
Sermon Video Introduction: One of the central things we are called to do is praise the works of the Lord. But the glorious thing is that we are also called to remember that we are ourselves the ...
Influenced by Gary North? | Doug Wilson
The Rivers of Babylon/Ps. 137
Sermon Video Introduction: This psalm begins with a heartfelt lament, and concludes with a savage benediction. This apparent incongruity has been a trouble to many Christians, and so we need to ...
Relationship Advice Blogs? | Doug Wilson
The Hesed of God/Psalm 136
Sermon Video Introduction: This psalm rotates around the hesed of God, coming back to it every other line. This word hesed can be translated any number of different ways—kindness, faithfulness, ...