Acts of the Apostles (5): Sermon Video Introduction: We saw last week that the gift of tongues was a marvelous blessing for those who had ears to hear. For believers, the point was all about ...
Tongues and Two Layers of Meaning
Acts of the Apostles (4): Sermon Video Introduction: In the second chapter of Acts, we have the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, resulting in the gift of tongues, a powerful sermon, and a massive ...
The Replacement of Judas
Acts of the Apostles (3): Introduction: The main action in the second half of this first chapter has to do with the replacement of Judas Iscariot. But along the way, we learn quite a few things about the early days of the apostolic company. The Text: “Then returned they unto Jerusalem from the mount …
Seven Keys to Becoming a Spiritual Prepper
Introduction: As we consider the state of our culture around us, it is manifestly clear that things are not normal. We all see trouble on the horizon, but some qualifications must be made. We know ...
Many Infallible Proofs
Acts of the Apostles (2): Sermon Video Introduction: The first verse of Acts contained the formal introduction to the book, but the following verses fill it out a bit more. These verses refer ...
Learning to Live in the Story You Are In
As we look around at the unraveling of the last several years, it is easy to become dismayed. Where did this come from? How long has this been going on? Who is responsible? The lament raised by the psalmist David comes readily to mind. “If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?” (Psalm …
Lessons for the Limelight
Sermon Video Introduction: Even given the tumultuous time we have had over the last few years, and the attention that it has brought us, it would still be too much for us to say that “all eyes ...
Theophilus the High Priest
Acts of the Apostles (1): Sermon Video Introduction: The longest book in the New Testament is the gospel of Luke. The second longest is volume 2 of this same set, the Acts of the Apostles, ...
Biblical Child Discipline in an Age of Therapeutic Goo (9)
On Loving the Standard: Sermon Video Introduction: The chances are pretty good that over the years you have heard me say something like this. You task as parents is not to get your kids to ...
Biblical Child Discipline in an Age of Therapeutic Goo (8)
Sexual Decorum in the Home: Sermon Video Introduction: In some ways, this message will be like a lesson in firearms safety—one of the basic rules of firearm safety is that you should always ...