Calvin on Providence

Book 1/Chapter 15 Adam’s freedom (section 8) 1. Did Adam have the resources, prior to the Fall, to attain to eternal life? 2. Why should we not invoke the doctrine of secret predestination in this discussion? 3. Why do the “philosophers” misunderstand the nature of man? Book 1/Chapter 16 Creation and providence (section 1) 1. …

Just a Skosh More on Imputation

If we have courtroom imagery, and any kind of stand-in representative for the defendants, then there is no way for the thing to work without imputation. Wright confuses things enormously when he rejects the idea that righteousness can float across the courtroom from the judge to the defendant. Of course it cannot, and defenders of …

So Bildad is a Skunk

The third chapter is on the context of first-century Judaism, and the necessity of understanding Paul in his context. As is so often the case, I enthusiastically endorse Wright’s points, and am mystified by his applications. I particularly appreciated his contrast of historic Lutheranism, with due apologies to my Lutheran friends, and historic Calvinism. I …

Remember that Paul Hops from Foot to Foot

Chapter two is a helpful and revealing chapter called rules of engagement. Much of what Wright says here is prudent and wise, and it is clear that he and Piper are not really disagreeing at those points, but rather just leaning against one another — trying to guard against abuse in the opposite direction. A …

A Magnificent Theater

Book 1/Chapter 14 Victory (section 18) 1. What impact do the devils have on believers? 2. On unbelievers? 3. Can believers ever be utterly thrown down by the devil? 4. What is the nature of the reciprocity between Christ’s kingdom and the devil’s? Devils are Real (section 19) 1. What do angels and devils have …

Festooned With Ribbons

Wright begins chapter one by telling a parable against his interlocuters, acknowledging that to do so might be dicey. “Now I can well imagine that, as with the Pharisees listening to Jesus’ Parable of the Wicked Tenants, there may be some readers who will at once be angry, realizing that I have told this story …