Book 3/Chapter 2 Not all faith the same (section 9) 1. How does Calvin answer the proof from 1 Corinthians 13 that argues that if faith is described as being without love, there must something like unformed faith? 2. What mistake is made by Calvin’s adversaries here? The faith of Simon Magus (section 10) 1. …
The Obedience of Faith
Book 3/Chapter 2 Prefaith (section 5) 1. Is there something else that we may call implicit faith? 2. Are there believers who are not yet believers in an exact sense? True knowledge of Christ (section 6) 1. How must we receive Christ? 2. How does Paul define faith? How faith arises (section 7) 1. Does …
Implicit Faith
Book 3/Chapter 2 Faith in Christ (section 1) 1. Is it hard for us to keep the law? 2. What inadequate notion of faith does Calvin address first? 3. What two things must we know? 4. How does Christ the God/man help us in this? Knowledge and faith (section 2) 1. What fiction does Calvin …
The Work of the Spirit
Book 3/Chapter 1 The Spirit bond (section 1) 1. What has to happen before all Christ’s benefits become ours? 2. What is the bond that unites us to Christ? The universal Spirit (section 2) 1. What does the Spirit do for all living creatures? 2. But what does He do for the believers? 3. Does …
Grace Before Merit
Book 2/Chapter 17 Grace and merit (section 1) 1. When discussing the merit of Christ, what must we remember lies behind it? 2. Did “that man” deserve to be the only begotten Son of God? Love and hate (section 2) 1. What was God’s ineffable demeanor toward us? Christ’s obedience (section 3) 1. What did …
In Every Clause
Book 2/Chapter 16 What the ascension did for us (section 16) 1. What did Jesus do for us by means of His ascent into heaven? 2. Do we look forward to heaven as with a “bare hope”? Kingdom come (section 17) 1. Despite His present power, where is Christ’s kingdom now? 2. Will any escape …
Resurrection and Ascension
Book 2/Chapter 16 The resurrection (section 13) 1. What must faith do in order to attain its full strength?2. What is the summary of the effects of the death and resurrection respectively? 2. What is the summary of the effects of the death and resurrection respectively? 3. What should we understand in Scripture when the …
Soul Agonies
Book 2/Chapter 16 Soul struggles (section 10) 1. If Calvin rejects the idea that Christ descended into the nether world, how does he take the phrase from the Creed? 2. Does the compiler of these study questions agree with this? Guess. Scripture proof (section 11) 1. How does Calvin undertake to prove this view? Answering …
The Descent into Hell
Book 2/Chapter 16 The cross (section 6) 1. What happened to the curse that was on us? 2. What exchange did the Son of God make, even though he was utterly clean of all fault? 3. Christ cleansed our filth by what means? 4. Even though it was full of shame, what was the cross …
Calvin on Active Obedience
Book 2/Chapter 16 Love first (section 4) 1. According to Calvin, did God love us before we were reconciled to Him? 2. Which church father does he cite in agreement with this? Christ’s active obedience (section 5) 1. How did Christ accomplish salvation for us? 2. We are freed from the curse of the law …