A Brief Theology of Two Services

As you no doubt know, you are worshiping God this morning in one of two services. Thinking about this, and as you discussed with your families which one you would attend, it would be easy to reduce the whole question to a matter of logistics. We don’t really have room to fit everyone conveniently into …

Senator Edward Kennedy

As you all know, this last week, Senator Edward Kennedy passed from this life. This drew national attention, and in the media virtually everyone—right, left and middle—paid their respects. Some considered him as the exemplar of what is needed, while others praised him personally while reserving to themselves the right to differ with him “on …

Become Less to Matter More

For reasons I don’t need to go into here, I have been mulling this last week on godly ambition, and the desire to make a difference in the world. For, of course, there is a dangerous counterfeit here. Wanting to change the world is one of the most predictable and worldly things we can do. …

A Lot of Expectant Whispering

The wonderful thing about living through four seasons is that just when one of them is threatening to overstay its welcome, and you are frankly tired of it, a natural desire is born that longs for the signs of the next approaching season. Snow was met with great excitement and laughter in November, but by …

The World’s Last Conservative Cook

Once there was a man who didn’t believe in flipping hamburgers when he was barbequing. As a result, his wife didn’t ask him to cook very often, but sometimes he would just volunteer, and then, there everybody was. The result of his unique approach was, of course, that either a hamburger was charred on one …

A Wiseacre Turk

“Dad, what is a parable anyhow?” the young fellow asked. His father, who had fortunately read something about this just recently, answered him on this wise. “Well, kid, let me tell you.” “Well, dad, tell me. That’s why I asked.” “The word parable comes from two Greek words, which together mean to ‘cast or throw …