True Harvest

Our Father in heaven, we thank You for this weekly day of Pentecost, the ancient Jewish festival of harvest, and our festival of the evangelistic harvest-the time when You began bringing into your barns the countless souls that have been saved since that first Pentecost Sunday. We thank You for establishing Your new covenant Church …

Marriage As Manifest Glory XIII

Introduction: In looking at the differences between masculine and feminine, and in considering the respective duties of husbands and wives, we have been assuming that differences between the sexes exist. But what are those differences, and how can they be understood together with what the Scriptures teach us about our equality in Christ? The Text: …

Big and Little

“At thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore” (Ps. 16: 11) Growing Dominion, Part 34 Radical individualism wants to believe that those who are faithfully living together in community are actually sowing seeds of discord in community. But life together does not mean overlooking everything. One of the basic principles of life together in …

The Covetous Heart

We come now to the last of the Ten Commandments, the prohibition of covetousness. And with this requirement, we come to the fountainhead of all our love to our neighbor — a prohibition of any sinful refusal to be glad and grateful for the blessings of others. “You shall not covet your neighbor’s house; you …

Primer on Eschatology 2

14. Okay. Can you go back to hermeneutics? Once again, the word hermeneutic refers to the art, science and methodology of interpretation when approaching the text of the Bible. There are different hermeneutical schools of thought; we shall only consider the three options here that affect our discussion of eschatology. The allegorical method: An allegorist …

Biblical Anger

At this portion of His great sermon, Jesus comes to teach on murder, along with the thoughts and attitudes that are prohibited under the scriptural prohibition of murder. When God prohibits something, we cannot hide our disobedience through clever appeals to the technicalities. “You have heard that it was said to those of old, ‘”You …