The Heart of It

The Westminster Directory (1645) states that “the true idea of [expository] preaching is that the preacher should become a mouthpiece for his text, opening it up and applying it as a word from God to his hearers, . . . in order that the text may speak . . . and be heard, making each point from his text in such a manner that [his audience] may discern [the voice of God]”

Olford, Anointed Expository Preaching, p. 69

Tested Metal, Tested Mettle

“‘Be diligent to present yourself approved to God’ (v. 15, emphasis ours) As a young preacher, Timothy was exhorted to exert every effort to present himself to God as one approved. That term comes from the world of industry and coinage; it has to do with the testing of metals”

Olford, Anointed Expository Preaching, (p. 53).