Now That I Have Your Attention . . .

Among those observing the unfolding drama surrounding Louisiana Presbytery and Steve Wilkins, there may be more than a few stats-monkeys who are interested in the following. Over the course of this last month, this blog has had 13,590 different visitors, that many different people. When I look at what these people have been interested in, what pages …

Dead Rat Behind the Fridge

When Dan Rather put out his report on George Bush’s National Guard service during the Vietnam War, within hours, bloggers had shown that the evidence he was relying on was fabricated. When politicians try to pull their old-style political tricks, within minutes someone somewhere has exposed the thing. The most recent example of this was …

The Case of the Missing Charges

One of the stranger things about Andy Webb’s history of the FV business in Louisiana was his assertion (twice) that it was not possible for charges to originate from within the presbytery. Apparently Andy has now said that Louisiana “refused to allow charges” when a motion was made in 2002 (and was defeated) to begin …

Things That Accompany Salvation

INTRODUCTION: One of the perennial pastoral problems in the Church is the question of assurance of salvation. On the one hand are some Christians who hold that to seek any kind of solid assurance is presumptuous. On the other hand are other Christians who appear to glory in just that kind of presumption—”just prayer this …