Forgiveness of Sin

INTRODUCTION: The Lord Jesus was born into a sinful world. His advent was not designed as an inspirational moment to crown all the others, but rather He was sent as a Savior. He came to bring forgiveness, and consequently if there is anything His followers should understand and practice, it is forgiveness. THE TEXT: “Then …

Sound and Fury Signifying Nothing

“Certain good men appeal to me who are distinguished by enormous vehemence and zeal, and a conspicuous absence of brains; brethren who would talk for ever and ever upon nothing — who would stamp and thump the Bible, and get nothing out of it all; earnest, awfully earnest, mountains of labour of the most painful …

Now That I Have Your Attention . . .

Among those observing the unfolding drama surrounding Louisiana Presbytery and Steve Wilkins, there may be more than a few stats-monkeys who are interested in the following. Over the course of this last month, this blog has had 13,590 different visitors, that many different people. When I look at what these people have been interested in, what pages …