Today is the release date for Nate’s Death By Living, a fantastic look at how life is “meant to be spent.” Your life has a shot clock running on it, and when the buzzer of doom goes off you don’t want to be left standing there with the ball in your hands. This book is …
Ashes, Ashes, We All Fall Down
So welcome to the new digs. After we moved from Joomla to WordPress, we found out that the theme we had selected had some corrupt code in the header — which is why the web site kept going ashes, ashes, we all fall down, like it was a little kid or something. There will still …
Look at This Map! For an iPhone App! With Thingies to Tap! Didn’t Think I Could Rap! Didja?
app by woväx The app features my entire blog and is free to download from the App Store here
Stand By for Heavy Rolls . . .
. . . as we used to say in the Navy. Here’s the deal. I started bloggin in 2004, when the world was young and we were all full of idealistic fancies. Blog and Mablog also started out with a platform that was not going to be able hold all the verbal pig iron that …
Some Very Important Things to Put in Three of the Cupboards
The first is that over at his blog Nate is conducting a giveaway of four copies of The Chestnut King that you could actually have in your possession prior to Christmas. But the entry deadline is like, today, or something. You can enter that drawing here. Secondly, Canon Press is taking preorders for the book …
As Though the Gospel Had Cooties
I think it would be appropriate to ask you to consider this post as a combination of testimony, confession, record of theological emergence, and story, as in, the rest of the story. Well, actually some of the rest of the story. Not surprisingly, many of the milestones in my life are most easily marked by …
Thanks in a Bundle
The Desiring God 2009 conference ended yesterday, and last night a special roundtable discussion on eschatology was held at Bethlehem Baptist. The whole time has been wonderful, and I wanted to state publicly what a privilege it was to be invited to participate, and I wanted to thank John Piper in particular. As you might …
Black Douglas
The Desiring God folks have some video clips up promoting their national conference, and you can look at them here. The first is John Piper explaining, when he first had the thought of inviting me, why he didn’t lie down with a cold compress on his forehead until the feeling went away. In the second …
Couple of Good Days
Nate has had a good couple of days. First there was this review of his forthcoming book Notes from the Tilt-a-Whirl in Publishers’ Weekly. For what it’s worth, I agree with the review. I have linked it to the Thomas Nelson page, but the book should be up at Amazon any day now. Here’s the …
A Rocking Chair in Heaven
Once there was a man who had spent many, many years in back breaking work. What he didn’t know about the uses of a shovel wasn’t worth knowing. One day at the tail end of a hot day and a very long ditch, he paused for a moment to talk with a young man in …