I am happy to announce that Nancy’s blog has a new look — check it out here. And joining her in posting will be my daughter-in-law Heather Wilson, and my two daughters, Bekah Merkle and Rachel Jankovic. Go, fight, win.
A lot of pastors could do worse than to insert this little number in a service somewhere as “special music.” HT: Peter Scholtens
Fiendish Glee
It seems that computers can do a lot of things. This is, I believe, what is called a dented image. So here is the picture that you all can summon up whenever you think that I must have written a particular post with fiendish glee and mayhem in my heart. Suppose, to borrow an image …
A Fun Review
Here is a really fun review of Leepike Ridge by Elizabeth Bird. She is the children’s librarian for the Donnell Central Children’s Room for the New York Public Library System. She has served on Newbery, and written for Horn Book, and so she knows a good book when she reads one. It was a pleasure …
Big Doings at our Place
Sorry about all the visuals. I am in a picture groove. Those of you who have been to our home may be aware that we have put our three acres together with the two acres of our neighbor to the south, along with three more acres from our neighbor to the north, and are having …
Just a Couple Stops
More fun deconstructing the epistemofadists. HT: the Pyro guys And I saw this some time ago, and thought it was one of the funnier commercials I had seen. I think that this was before I knew how to embed video clips here. In case that it so, here it is again. HT to Mark Horne …
Pitchfork in Hand
Might as well make it two shameless appeals in a row — that way we get it over quickly, and can get back to the usual programing of all the edifying stuff. And in this shameless appeal, I intend to work two appeals into one, both of them having to do with Federal Vision stuff. …
Henry York Has Cupboards
Since its release a couple months ago, Leepike Ridge has been doing very well, and it looks like we may have some more exciting news about the book in the future. Been a lot of fun. But the reason for this post is that Nate’s web site is now up, and you can find it …
Oh, Yeah?
Some friends were talking about Rene Girard and his work, and one of them thought to send me this clip — illustrative of the bizarre nature of mimetic conflict. Enjoy.
Relevance in the Passing Lane
The entire collection can be seen here, but I needed to post my four favorites. HT: Austin Storm