In early February, Nancy and I will be headed over to the UK to visit the Merkles, and while we are there, Credenda will be sponsoring a short mini-conference. The notice for that conference is below. We would like to cordially invite any of our friends in the UK who would like to join us …
300 Cloth Napkins
Nancy and I had a wonderful week. We are currently ensconced in the Dallas/Ft. Worth airport, on our way back to the snow. The first part of the week we were at the pastors’ conference in Monroe, Louisiana, which was the usual good and edifying time. The topic was “Liturgy and Life,” and I commend …
Ministerial Suffering Unto Glory
Posting this week will continue, but may be spotty and erratic here and there. I am down in Monroe for their annual pastor’s conference. The lead off talks tonight were by Peter Leithart and Jeff Meyers, both of them very good. Jeff made one point that was worth the entire trip — what does Paul …
Welcome to the Reformed Faith
A few years ago, I preached a series of sermons that provided a basic introduction to the Reformed faith. There are six messages — 1. Christ, the Lord of Creation; 2. Christ, Lord of Redemption; 3. Christ, Lord of the Covenant; 4. Christ, Lord of the Nations; 5. Christ, Lord of the Law; and 6. …
Tomorrow’s the Day
Just a quick reminder that tomorrow, Boxing Day, is the release date for 100 Cupboards. For those in the Moscow area, Ball and Cross Books still has some copies that have not been reserved, and Nate will be there from 12 to 2 to sign copies if you would like.
Stick Man Fights Back
This was a lot of fun. You’ll need to watch it a couple times. HT: Dale Courtney
Upcoming Interview
This coming Friday (3 pm Pacific), the good folks at Covenant Radio are going to be interviewing me about my response to the Sam Harris book, Letter From a Christian Citizen. You can find out more here.
Good News and Bad News
The bad news is that the bookplates I mentioned yesterday for 100 Cupboards are now gone. That’s the good news too.
Just After the Nick of Time
You all know that those who are interested may order 100 Cupboards from Canon Press. Right? Right. Now for some reason, best known only to themselves, the good folks at Random House determined that they wanted to release this book on December 26, just after the nick of time. But this great present/wrong day problem …
A Truckload of Granddaughters
Anyone who follows this blog at all knows how grateful to God I am for my children, for their spouses, and for my children’s children. It is a wonderful thing to read fat theological books about the covenant, but to actually see the promises of the covenant taking three-dimensional shape right in front of you …