100 Cupboards Open Events (Feb. 25-March 1) For those in or around Salt Lake City . . . Book Signing on February 25, 6:30 P.M. at KINGS ENGLISH/1511 S. 1500 E./Salt Lake City, UT Reading/Signing on February 26, 7:00 P.M at Deseret Books/40 E South Temple # 400/Salt Lake City, UT For those in or around …
The Centrality of Secret Passages
Nate’s writing is being featured by Powell’s Books. They have an original essay by Nate on some of the inspiration for his writing, to be found here, and they also have an interview with him, found here.
Really Encouraged
I was just at one of our monthly school board meetings for Logos School last night, and was greatly encouraged by what is continuing to happen in our classrooms — as I am frequently encouraged by the reports at our board meetings. For just one example, over a million kids participated in the National Merit …
Backstory on Writing
Random House has posted an “author spotlight” featuring Nate and some of his backstory on writing. You can check it out here. And speaking of his writing, on our flight over to the UK (where I now am) I got a chance to listen to the first part of 100 Cupboards on audio. Really good …
Uh Oh
The first time Seamus came up to our house after the last big snow, he was put on the sidewalk that runs alongside our front porch. But his response was understandable. He said, “Uh oh.”
Worth Checking Out
I have two daughters, Bekah and Rachel, and please allow me commend their writing to you — here and here.
I’m Just Saying . . .
Here is my lovely wife Nancy on our front walk this morning. We are expecting another load of snow tonight, so we’ll see how it goes.
An Intra-Active Catalog
Here is a fun business. HT: David Field. Look at the site for at least five seconds before losing interest.
Prospective Student Weekend
For those thinking about college, and where you are going to send your kid —Â and who isn’t these days? —Â you should really think about NSA’s prospective student weekend coming up. Here you go.
Charles Darwin, Call Your Office
I am delighted to be able to report that my reply to Sam Harris is going like gangbusters, and is now out in paperback. This means that you can get a copy now for the low, low price of nine clams. Take a look at it here. While we are talking about atheism on the …