Skirties Back on Line. Download One Today.

My lovely daughter Bekah has had quite a saga of Internet woes with regard to her web site, the one that sells Skirties, a story which she briefly explains here. While you are there, scroll down one and read what my wife wrote about her days with InterVarsity. Good stuff. Anyhow, Bekah’s new web site …

Nate in Boise

For our friends in the Boise area, Nate was recently added as a participant in a children’s lit festival, sponsored by Rediscovered Bookshop. There will be various events that Nate will be participating in that will be open to the public, with varying kinds of registration required. You can get more information here. There will …

Like A Really Bad Bloody Nose

Fun things are happening on the 100 Cupboards front. “There are some scary moments in this story, which is the first book in a new fantasy adventure series. There also is humor and some lessons about love and bravery. The ending leaves many questions unanswered (for Volume 2, no doubt), all but guaranteeing that this …