The state of mind called Massachusetts is all set for homosexual marriages on Monday. A friend of mine put it well this morning. “Oh, great. Now John Kerry can marry Ted Kennedy.” Here is how the political skirmishing will go. Homosexual marriage, once legal in one state, will attract homosexual couples from the other 49 …
Education and a Theology of Children
Education, like everything else we undertake, has countless methods we can get tangled up in. Instead, we need to be using those same methods in faith. Covenant keeping cannot be done by our works, or any autonomous effort that we might supply. Covenant keeping is promise believing — nothing more, and nothing less. But …
North of Riggins
A retired philosophy prof from the University of Idaho (the largest educational body north of Riggins, also in Idaho) has taken up a new hobby. Nick Gier, for that is the gentleman’s name, has some correspondence going with TRACS, the body from which New St. Andrews is seeking accreditation. His concerns are three-fold. First, I …
Kill Bills
Not that I want to see them, or encourage others to see them, but allow just a few brief comments on the Kill Bill movies. The extreme violence they contain are sometimes defended as being too cartoonish or ritualistic to be taken seriously, and so we can go and just enjoy the “over the top” …
Deuteronomy or Democracy?
A recent book that insightfully discusses the defining mythos of America is The Myth of the American Superhero [John Shelton Lawrence and Robert Jewett, Eerdmans Publishing Co., 2002] The authors discuss manifold expressions of that myth, from The Virginian, Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show and the Lone Ranger, to Spiderman, Jaws, Batman, Star Trek, and …
Drumhead Justice
Just two quick comments about the abuse of prisoners by Americans in Iraq. The first thing that such appalling behavior shows is that the people doing it were simultaneously wicked and idiotic. “Here, let’s do something that will outrage everyone in the world, were it to become known, and — I know! — let’s take …
Empty Wombs and Empty Schools
As it is now conducted in the United States, Christian education is being offered an opportunity that is simultaneously glorious and grim. It is glorious because God has blessed us with fruitful families, and He has given us a heart to return to covenantal faithfulness in how we bring up our children. More and more …
The Big Time
Well, I guess I have made the big time. I have been featured in an expose in the Intelligence Report, published by the Southern Poverty Law Center, which is the world’s richest civil rights organization. In the article, I am branded as an enthusiastic Taliban/Reconstructionist/neo-Confederate running pig-dog kind of guy. The article is, of course, full …
Tunnel Vision 20/300
Scripture tells us that we should be grateful for all things, always and for everything giving thanks in the name of the Lord Jesus. But some things still stand out. If I may speak in a Hebraic mode for just a moment —Â for two things I give thanks, and for three I am extremely grateful. …
Making A Difference
Given that our culture is in significant disarray (as in, falling apart), many Christian parents have rightly identified the process of secular government education as one of the central culprits. Having made this identification, they have established Christian schools or have begun to home school. They have done this in such numbers that in many locations, …