Little Geneva

It turns out that the folks at Little Geneva don’t like the fact that I tell redneck jokes. And as a result of me acquiring this information, here are a couple more! What do a tornado and a redneck divorce have in common? I dunno, what? In both cases, somebody loses a mobile home! And …

Learning to Detest Hypocrisy

During a portion of the sermon this last Sunday, I spent a little bit of time on the problem of lowlife authenticity. After the message I had a good conversation with a good friend over my professed bafflement over what causes the attraction to this lowlife ethos. He made the point that the cause of …

Velveeta Evidence

The president of the University of Idaho has, in a maladroit attempt to avoid controversy, created a controversy. He put out a statement the other day that in the scientific departments of the university, the teaching of Intelligent Design was verboten-idea-kind-of-thing. Science is based on evidence, he said, and then issued a decree from on …

In the Name of Relevance

While recently walking in the meadows of public discourse, William Bennett stepped in the cow pie of truth. He mentioned that if evil, pragmatic outcomes were your only consideration, you could reduce crime by evil means. He said, “…if you wanted to reduce crime, you could, if that were your sole purpose, you could abort …

Reductio Ad Infernum

One of the standard observations made against the so-called legitimization of homosexual “marriages” in our country is that once you throw the biblical standard of marriage out (one man, one woman, ideally one time), you have not just opened the door for homosexual unions, but also for every other kind of union the troubled gonads …

Apostles or Refugees?

All Christians at all times live in the culture they live in. The ancient Christian in Ephesus spoke Greek and wore the clothes available for purchase in that city. When he went for lunch, certain foods were available to him and other foods were not. At the same time, he was called to live in …

Got My Fingers Crossed!

A few days ago, I recorded here the news that the American Booksellers Foundation for Free Expression had included Southern Slavery As It Was on their list of banned books. There was an article about this in the UI student newspaper, and today William Ramsey, one of our our intolerista professors here, wrote to the …