How the Postmodern Giant Cooked and Ate Itself

“The contemporary academic world is busily deconstructing the human. Modernism took as its project the death of God. David Levin shows how postmodernism takes the next step. Keeping the idea that God is dead, postmodernism has as its project the death of the self” (Gene Edward Veith, Postmodern Times, p. 73).

Not Too Much

I would encourage all our friends out there to enjoy the following short clip from youtube. But, of course, if you have ever been subjected to “the treatment,” or are related by marriage or blood to Doug Phillips, R.C. Jr., Steve Wilkins, or me, I would also admonish you as a brother in Christ not …

Right Out of the SPLC Playbook

A coalition of fledgling opposition to Putin just had its offices raided. Kasparov, the chess guy, is one of those trying to mount some sort of accountability to the authoritarian rule of Mr. Putin. But taking their talking points from our very own Southern Poverty Law Center, the Russian government said that the raid was …

And Power Corrupts

“These new models tend to be adopted without the demands for rigorous evidence required by traditional scholarship. If Euro-centrism is a fault, one would think Afro-centrism would be similarly narrow-minded. If patriarchy is wrong, why would matriarchy be any better? But these quibbles miss the point of postmodern scholarship. Truth is not the issue. The …

Choosing Your Own Designer History, One That Works for You

“Since there is no objective truth, history may be rewritten according to the needs of a particular group. If history is nothing more than ‘a network of agonistic [i.e., fighting, contending] language games,’ then any alternative ‘language game’ that advances a particular agenda, that meets ‘success’ in countering institutional power, can pass as legitimate history. …

Margarine of the Arts

“Based on his study of twenty-one world civilizations—ranging from ancient Rome to imperial China, from Babylon to the Aztecs—Toynbee found that societies in disintegration suffer a kind of ‘schism of the soul.’ They are seldom simply overrun by some other civilization. Rather, they commit a kind of cultural suicide. Disintegrating societies, he says, have several …

Postmodernism Much Larger Than Its Theorists

“Modernism, however, is being replaced by the new secular ideology of postmodernism. This new set of assumptions about reality—which goes far beyond mere relativism—is gaining dominance throughout the culture. The average person who believes that there are no absolutes may never have heard of the academic exercise of ‘deconstruction.’ The intellectual establishment may disdain the …