“Useless, meaningless statistics flood the attention of the viewer. Sportscasters call them ‘graphics’ in an effort to suggest that the information, graphically presented, is a vital supplement to the action of the game. For example: ‘Since 1984, the Buffalo Bills have won only two games in which they were four points ahead with less than …
Aimless Info
“Information is dangerous when it has no place to go, when there is no theory to which it applies, no pattern in which it fits, when there is no higher purpose that it serves” [Neil Postman, Technopoly (New York: Vintage Books, 1992), p. 63].
A Two-Way Street
Postman speaks of “one-eyed prophets who see only what new technologies can do and are incapable of imagining what they will undo” [Neil Postman, Technopoly (New York: Vintage Books, 1992), p. 5].
Lord Willing and the Creeks Don’t Rise
Here is the breakdown for our upcoming Trinity Fest, our second annual event of this nature and magnitude. Just around the corner, check your calenders. That Monday, after registration and kicking off with some history lectures, the party begins with St. Brigid’s Feast. Last year we consumed vast quantities of bone-in chicken swimming in a …
Arguments and Character
One of the things that sinful men do to escape accountability is to pretend that they are deeply concerned about higher abstract principles. They want to detach character and history from all their disputes, and they want to do it for what should be obvious reasons. When Jesus was dealing with the woman who had …
Why the Floor Plans Were All So Similar
“So Gropius falls upon the thorns of life; he bleeds. And his architecture is based upon a sociology of human relations which in turn rests on the exigencies of keeping a number of affairs going at once. This is the human matrix out of which the Wohnmaschine grows (the speech of this name was written …
The Cross At the Intersection of Heaven and Earth
“The flat roof was an article of faith for the Bauhauser, one whose religious dimensions would be exposed if the flat roof indeed did leak, which, as everyone knows, it indeed does. Once the impracticality of the flat roof becomes apparent, its antitranscendental meaning becomes obvious. When it comes to modern architecture, the flat roof …
The World With A Flat Roof
“In the limited vocabulary of the architect, there are only a few terms available to express an attitude toward the transcendent, and the roof is one of the more important. The flat roof was an article of faith with the modern architect, no matter what the practical consequences . . . Whether it leaked or …
Last Night’s Discussion
Last night I had a discussion on the radio with a fellow Christian and Christ Church critic, Keely Emerine-Mix. This was my opening statement, more or less, but, because I ran out of time, I did not get all the way through it. For those who want to check it out, the entire discussion can …
Trying to Destroy the West
“But, like the Oedipus Complex, Bauhaus architecture, moral relativism, contraception, deficit spending, the automobile, and cubism, saturation bombing was used as the twentieth century’s revenge on the cultural legacy of the West. It was an attempt to use the power of the West in order to destroy the West.” [E. Michael Jones, Living Machines (San …