“Our minds are not infinite; and as the volume of the world’s knowledge increases, we tend more and more to confine ourselves, each to his special sphere of interest and to the specialized metaphor belonging to it. The analytic bias of the last three centuries has immensely encouraged this tendency, and it is now very …
A Second Battle of Tours V
Introduction: In this series we have referred from time to time to the concept of Sharia law. This is a distinctively Islamic concept, but it is important for us to see exactly where the distinction is. It is not because Muslims believe that their god should make the laws—everyone believes that. The issue is more …
Like a Coal Seam
“But the hatred of Jews and of Israel that neo-Nazis, skinheads and violent Muslims share makes the possibility of collusion between them a danger for which law enforcers should prepare. Anti-Semitism underlies Europe like a black coal seam: thin here, thick there; deep here, surfacing there” (Richardson, Secrets of the Koran, p. 197).
A Series of Metaphors
“The fact is, that all language about everything is analogical; we think in a series of metaphors. We can explain nothing in terms of itself, but only in terms of other things” (Dorothy Sayers, The Mind of the Maker, p. 23).
Jefferson’s Wall Is Not to Be Found in Some Places
“In a thousand different ways naĂŻve Europeans who think they are showing noble tolerance to a mere religion are actually inviting a very potent political invader into their societies” (Richardson, Secrets of the Koran, p. 170).
Why We Shouldn’t Worship Smoke
“That is the fact; whether we like it or not, the universe is made that way. This commandment [against idolatry] is interesting because it specifically puts forward the moral law as the basis of the moral code: because God has made the world like this and will not alter it, therefore you must not worship …
Shoot, Follow the Money
Later this month, John McCain is going to be speaking in Seattle at an event cohosted by the Discovery Institute, an organization that has been behind a bunch of the Intelligent Design stuff. And so, predictably, a lot of advocates of Approved Thought have expressed their disapproval of this most recent outbreak of Disapproved Thought, …
Just One More Elective Surgery
[Speaking of a radical Islamic political advances in the West] “Designating female genital mutilation (FGM) as an operation that Western doctors may legally perform on Muslim women will probably be first. Some doctors will welcome the extra income for such an easy surgery, just as some of them bank extra income for performing unnecessary abortions …
Deep Structure
“The Christian affirmation is, however, that the Trinitarian structure which can be shown to exist in the mind of man and in all his works is, in fact, the integral structure of the universe, and corresponds, not by pictorial imagery but by a necessary uniformity of substance, which the nature of God, in Whom all …
Those Who Don’t Stand for Something Will Fall for Anything
“Recognizing that a critical mass among Canada’s fine citizenry holds ultraliberal views, I fear that Canada will perhaps be the first western nation to spring a supremacist Islamic trap on its own foot” (Richardson, Secrets of the Koran, p. 165).